
Chapter 153

Chapter 153

  "Petyr Baelish is dead!?"

  In a blacksmith shop, Duke Eddard , the Hand of the King, received that shocking news.

  "Yes, Lord Eddard,when the jailer went to bring Lord Petyr to stand trial this morning, he found that Lord Peytr was motionless , and it seemed that the death was caused by the broken arm injury..."

"Damn 'red Viper!" Duke Eddard cursed .

  The Guard stopped for a moment then reported again:

  "My lord, about Prince Oberyn, he, he..."

  "What ?"

  "He's gone."

  "Gone?" Duke Eddard was furious, "Isn't he locked in the dark cell? How could he disappear?"

  " My lord...we don't know...but the jailer this morning saw that the prison cell was empty, and there was no sign of Prince Oberyn. However, a dungeon guard named Logan disappeared at the same time, so we suspect that this person let Prince Oberyn out ."

  Duke Eddard said in a hurry: "You immediately notify Sir Janos to close the city gate and search the whole city! Then notify

King's Landing port that no ship will be allowed to leave before I get my permission !"

  "Yes, my lord."

  "Where are the other Dorne nobles?" Duke Eddard asked again, "Where is Princess Arianne?"

  "The Dorne nobles are basically still herr, but Princess Arianne...isn't here. "

  " Where's Prince Oberyn's lover? And his illegitimate daughter ?" Duke Eddard had already realized that this was a premeditated escape, so these few people probably wouldn't stay, but he still wanted to ask it out of luck.

  "They're all gone too. Only servants and guards of the Martell family are in the city."

  " I see." Duke Eddard waved the guards to leave.

  The guard hesitated for a moment, but asked cautiously: "My lord, will today's trial... still be held?"

  "Cancel it." Duke Eddard felt a splitting headache.

  It seems like since becoming the Hand of the King, he hasn't had a good rest.

  After all, he is also the Guardian of the North, the Duke of Winterfell, but managing the Seven Kingdoms is not at the same level of difficulty as managing the North.

  Duke Eddard just felt physically and mentally exhausted.

  He had come to the city today to see what Varys had said about another bastard son of King Robert.

  He was a boy of sixteen or seventeen, just as Robert had been when he was young.

  Seeing him, Duke Eddard seemed to see Robert back then, his heart was filled with anger and sadness.

  It was far from the time to rest, and the exhausted Duke Ed cheered himself up.

  He must avenge Robert, and Jon Arryn...he must bring justice to them.

  However, at this moment, he suddenly remembered the advice of the Baron of Eagle Island—

  One time, only face one enemy.

  Face only one enemy?

  Duke Eddard was pondering when suddenly a guard rushed over again, and reported:

  "My lord, the Palace guards just discovered that Maester Pycelle was also murdered!"

  "What! Who did it?"

  "They suspected that it was Prince Oberyn ..."

  "Oberyn Martell!" Duke Eddard said the name through gritted teeth.

  He finally made up my mind—sorry, Robert, I will avenge Jon first!

  After giving orders , he no longer cared about the illegitimate son, and strode away.


  Dong Dong——

  Samwell opened the door, and saw Natalie standing outside.

  "Good morning, Sam!" The little girl was wearing a light yellow silk dress, white brocade cloak on her shoulders, her soft dark hair coiled up high, and her purple eyes were full of smiles.

  "Good morning, Natalie." Samwell patted the little girl's head habitually, but this time he was careful not to mess up her hair.

  "Huh? What's the smell?" Natalie's small and exquisite nose twitched.

  "Oh, I'm making soup." Samwell let her into the room and closed the door behind him.

  "What kind of soup are you cooking?" Natalie looked curiously at the pot on the ground by the window, "Why does it smell strange?"

  Samwell squatted on the ground, stirring the pot with a wooden spoon, He smiled and said,

  "It's a secret."

  "Huh!" Natalie pouted, but she still couldn't help asking, "Is it cooked? Can I have a taste?"

"It should be ready." Samwell actually don't know, but thinking that it was cooked all night, it should be almost the same.

  He scooped up two bowls of soup with a wooden spoon and handed one of them to Natalie.

  "Thank you!" Natalie held on her hands, blew on the hot air, and then eagerly took a sip.

  But in the next second, the little girl's face wrinkled: "It's so bad!"

  The taste was really strange, with a strong fishy and astringent smell, which was hard to swallow.

  But Samwell still suppressed his nausea and drank the whole bowl of soup.

  After, he was pleasantly surprised that his spiritual attributes actually started to improve!

  After drinking a bowl of skull soup, his spiritual attribute increased from 2.19 to 2.21!

  Eating too much Ghost Grass before had weakened its effect, and his mental attributes hadn't increased much for a long time, but today, he finally found another food that could increase his mental attributes.

  Natalie watched Samwell drink the whole bowl of soup, hesitated to take another sip, and stuck out her tongue uncomfortably: "No, it's too bad. Sam, how can you drink it?"

  'Because it can add attributes! '

  "You don't know real gourmet . Don't waste it."

  "Oh, Then take it ."

  Samwell took Natalie's bowl and drank it clean.

  Natalie put her chin on her knees and said, "Sam, have you heard? Today's trial has been cancelled." "

  "Well, I heard." Samwell scooped himself another bowl, " 'Littlefinger' is dead, and 'Red Viper' is gone."

  "Yes. That Prince Oberyn...was too much."

  "Yes, yes." Samwell nodded and kept drinking .

  "I heard that he killed Grand Maester Pycelle before escaping."

  "Huh? Pycelle died too?" He didn't go out this morning. So was really surprised.

  He immediately realized that the other party blamed the death of "Littlefinger" on Pycelle, and suspected that the Lannister family wanted to frame him on purpose.

  It has to be said that this suspicion is quite reasonable as there is already a blood feud between Lannister and Martell.

  "Was anyone else killed?" Samwell asked.

  "I don't know."

  "That's fine. "

Samwell secretly breathed a sigh of relief. If the "Red Viper" really went crazy and started killing in the Red Keep, it would be troublesome.

  Fortunately, the opponent was still restrained.

  "Where are the Martell family? Are they all gone?" Samwell felt relieved and continued to drink soup.

  "Princess Arianne and the prince's lover are gone, but the servants and guards are still here."

  Samwell wany to use the power of the Iron Throne to weaken Dorne, and find the right time to gain more benefits and territory.

  Natalie watched Samwell drink that large pot of soup in such a short time, and couldn't help wonder:

  "You drink it so fast, wasn't that hot?"

  Samwell was stunned for a moment, and then realized , He seem to be drinking faster and faster. At the beginning, He needed to blow it to cool down, but then he doesn't feel hot at all.

  Amazed, Samwell tentatively stretched out his hand to the flame under the iron pot.

  "Be careful!" Natalie screamed and reminded, but saw that Samwell's hand was wrapped in flames, but there was no trace of burns.

"Does it hurt?"

Samwell shook his head, his eyes shining .

  Could it be that in addition to adding spiritual attributes, this skull soup can also increase fire resistance?

  Is this stealing the title "Unburned" from Targaryen ?

  But after more than a minute, Samwell finally felt a tingling between his fingers.

  It does not appear to be completely immune to fire damage.

  Or maybe the soup wasn't enough.

  Samwell withdrew his fingers, blew them but saw that there was no trace of burns on the skin, only simply hot.

  Skull soup rocks!

  It's just a little too much to drink at one time.

  Samwell stroked his round belly, thinking half with joy and half with pain.

  His mental attribute at this time has been raised to 2.32, plus the acquired fire resistance, compared with this, it's nothing to drink a little more and a bloated stomach.

  However, fire resistance is not reflected in the attribute panel.

  He doesn't know if it is because the panel cannot reflect the flame resistance, or the flame resistance is not perfect enough to be displayed temporarily.

  Samwell looked at the crystal clear skull left in the pot, wondering if he could chew the bone directly.

  But remembering that even the giant sword [Dawn] couldn't cut through Balerion's Skull before, Samwell felt that he might not be able to bite.

  At least little try , maybe the little dragon's bones are not so hard .

  Thinking of this , he immediately picked up the skull bone, put it in his mouth, and bit it hard—


  Damn it! Can't bite!

  Almost knocked out his teeth.

  Natalie giggled when she saw it: "Sam, why is this bone so hard!"

  Samwell shrugged helplessly: "After all, it is a dragon's bone."

  "Dragon?" Natalie blinked, "Liar! How could the dragon's skull be so small? And where did you find the dragon's bone?"

"I picked it up on the road." Samwell had to throw the skull back into the pot, picked up the kettle and continued to add water.

  Natalie became even more convinced that the other party was lying to her.

  Samwell put the lid back on the pot and sighed to himself.

  Hah!, I can only continue to drink soup if I can't gnaw the bones.

  It's just that the stomach is too full.

  See if it boils over time.

  "Sam, since Prince Oberyn has run away, is there a need for a trial?" Natalie asked again.

  "The Iron Throne should ask Dorne . But..." Samwell's lips curled up, "The Red Viper will not come to King's Landing again."

  "Then what should we do?"

  "If he don't come, then send troops to fight Dorne. This guy took three lives, Jon Arryn, the former Hand of the King, Petyr Baelish, the Master of coins, and Pycelle , the Grand Maester. Hehe, if the Iron Throne want to maintain it's reputation then they have to hang this poisonous snake to death ."

  Natalie suddenly became nervous: "Then... will it hit Starfall City?"

  "Don't worry." Samwell rubbed the little girl's head, "Although you are the lord in Dorne, you can stand on the side of justice this time. When the Iron Throne issues a war order, you should follow suit and declare a clear line with the Martell family." "

  "Oh , OK." Natalie nodded, and then felt was relieved.

  At this moment, a loud bell rang outside.


  one sound after another.

  Urgent and shrill, it seemed that all the bells in King's Landing City rang for some time.

  "Sam, what's going on?" Natalie was a little flustered.

  Samwell stood up and looked out of the window. Disturbed by the sound of the bell, birds were fluttering about in the sky of King's Landing.

  "Our Majesty the King is dead."

  Hearing this, Natalie immediately covered her mouth and her eyes widened.

  "The king is gone." Samwell murmured, "War is coming."

