
Chapter 123

Chapter 123 The Scapegoat King

  Under the moonlight , away from the hustle and bustle of the day, Presented a quiet beauty.

  "Nine o'clock tonight, Godswood."

  Hobber Redwyne took out the pink ribbon and read it again.

  Although he couldn't believe that Lady Natalie was willing to ask him out under such circumstances, Hobber soon found a reason for himself-

  he was the second son of Arbor Island, and his status and family background was higher than thefree knight Gerold , who lost his family territory.

  Lady Natalie still has eyesight.

  Men always overestimate their own charm when they meet a woman they are attracted to.

  Hobby is no exception.

  Under the cold moonlight, full of excitement, he embarked on the road to the appointment.

  The Godswood Forest is located in the southeast corner of the Red Keep. It is a rare and secluded place in the castle. The forest is full of elms, cypresses and cottonwoods. After all, this is not the northern border, so there is no weirwood that represents the belief of the old gods.

  But even so, when Hobber, who believed in the Seven Gods, walked in here, he felt an indescribable discomfort.

  It seemed that the ancient gods were really looking at him through the invisible eyes on the tree.

  Hobber pulled the cloak on his body, drew a seven-pointed star on his chest with his right hand, and prayed to himself——

  'Merciful Mother, please give me a beautiful wife. '

He secretly added another sentence in his heart.

  'It would be even more perfect if she also owned a castle. '

  The forest was quiet and peaceful, only the rustling sound of Hobber stepping on the leaves was present.

  "Lady Natalie? Lady Natalie?"

  Hobber called softly a few times, but got no response.

  She shouldn't be here yet, I'm early.

  He forcibly suppressed his impatience and waited patiently, while thinking about how to express his love later without appearing crude.

  Time passed bit by bit.

  Hobber heard distant bells from beyond the godswood.

  It's over time .

  But what about Lady Natalie?

  Hobber was about to search again when he suddenly heard a small voice.

  He was overjoyed, and hurriedly walked to the depths of the godswood.

  Finally, under a big oak tree covered with smokeberry vines, he vaguely saw half a figure.

  "Lady Natalie?"

  Hobber took a few quick steps, but then slowed down again so as not to appear too impatient.

  However, when he walked under the oak tree, he found that the woman's figure was not right.

  "You're not Na..." Hobber saw the man turn around, "Samwell! What the hell are you doing?"

  Samwell smiled lightly: "Don't be nervous,Lady Natalie asked me to give you message"

  Hobber looked at Samwell suspiciously, and said vigilantly:

  "Really? Why did she say ?"

  "She wants to ask you a question." Samwell said calmly.

  "What's the question ?"

  "That day at sea, what did you want to do by deliberately attracting the pirates?"

  Hearing this, Hobber pupils shrank suddenly, and he immediately denied:

  "Samwell Caesar, I don't know what you're talking about!"

  Samwell took a step closer: "You wanted the pirates to 'kill' me, right?"

  Hobber realized something was wrong, turned around and was about to run out.

  But in the next second, his neck was tightly grasped by a big iron-like hand.

  The power was so great that Hobber couldn't breathe.

  Before he begged for mercy, he heard Samwell whispering in his ear:

  "Since this is the case, then I can only let others 'kill' you."

  Before Hobber understood the meaning of this sentence, he felt a sharp pain in his throat.

  He tried to let out a small, feeble gasp, and then the gushing blood blocked the throat.

  The belated fear flooded Hobber's rationality like a tide, and he never thought that Samwell would actually dare to kill him!

  He struggled to call for help, but his throat was already blocked by blood.

  In extreme pain, Hobber could only stare at Samwell with hatred in his eyes, as if saying——

  Father will avenge me!

  I don't know if Samwell read this meaning from his eyes, and said with a light smile,

  "Earl Paxter will avenge you, but not on me."

  A trace of doubt crossed Hobber mind , but soon, complete darkness enveloped him.

  Samwell carefully placed Hobber's body in the shadow behind the oak tree, took the ribbon off his body, and left quietly.


  "Ten o'clock tonight, Godswood."

  Gerold caressed the ribbon, read the words on it softly, and couldn't wait in his heart.

  So just after half past nine, he came to the godswood alone.

  The forest was dark and silent, and there was no one in sight.

  Shouldn't have come so early.

  Gerold suddenly regretted it.

  Bored, he simply wandered casually in the forest.

  But as he walked, He suddenly smelled a blood.

  He stopped.

  Perhaps a wounded beast.

  Gerold comforted himself, but still cautiously walked in the direction of the smell.

  Soon, he came to the huge oak tree deep in the godswood, and saw a figure in the shadows.

  It turned out to be a person!

  No, it's a corpse!

  what happened?

  Gerold hastily pulled out the dagger from the waist, and leaned over carefully.

  With the light of the moon shining among the leaves, he finally saw the face of the corpse——

  Hobber Redwyne!

  He actually died!

  During the day, the Arbor Island knight who had just fought against him turned into a corpse!

  Hobber suddenly looked at the ribbon in his hand, and immediately realized something was wrong.

  It's a trap!

  Fear and anger surged into his heart in an instant, and before he could figure out how to deal with it, a black shadow suddenly jumped down from the treetops.

  Terrified, He quickly rolled over on the spot, but still felt a sharp pain in his hand.

  When he stood still again, he realized that the one who attacked him just now was actually a falcon.

  At this moment, it is looking at itself with a very humane gaze.

  "kwit-kwit-kee-ker —"

  A clear eagle cry pierced the silent night sky like a sword.

  It also scared Gerold half to death.

  Because he knew that if this movement attracted the guards, he would not be able to speak clearly even if he had a hundred mouths.

  Not daring to think too much, Gerold ran out of the godswood.

  But that damned falcon was actually chasing him closely, attacking him, and making noises continuously, as if it wanted to make a noise on purpose.

  damn bird!

  Gerold didn't dare to get entangled with the Falcon at all, so he could only protect his head and run wildly.

  The falcon didn't let Gero go until he was about to run out of the godswood.


  This movement must have alarmed the Palace guards.

  Gerold cursed again, stopped quickly, adjusted his breathing, and said,

  "It's me, Gerold of the Dayne family."

  "Good evening, Sir Gerold ." A palace guard asked, "Are you okay ?"

  At this moment, countless thoughts rolled through Gerold mind.

  But in the end, he decided to tell the truth.

  After all, the guards had already seen him, and if he didn't explain clearly, then he couldn't get rid of the suspicion even more.

  However, when Gerold went to look for the ribbon with the meeting information written on it, he couldn't find it anymore!

  Could it be that it was lost while fighting with the eagle?

  damn it!

  Gerold was so depressed that he wanted to shout .

  "Sir Gerold ? Are you alright?" the guard asked again when he saw that the other party had kept his head down and remained silent.

  "I'm fine." Gerold forced a stiff smile, "I just accidentally fell in the forest."

  After speaking, he strode away.

  At this time, Gerold had only one thought in his mind - run!

  The most important evidence is lost, he really can't explain it now, so he has to run.

  Before the guard could react, escape from King's Landing, escape from Westeros, and escape to the other side of the narrow sea!

  Looking at Gerold who hurried away, several palace guards looked at each other, as if they sensed something was wrong.

  So they walked into the godswood.


  Hearing the faint shouts coming from behind, Gerold ran even faster.

  The cool night wind howled in his ears, and the ancient buildings receded behind him.

  He knew that the gate of the Red keep must be closed at this time, and he was not qualified to order the guards to open the gate for him alone.

  So he followed the dark path to the northeast corner of the Red Keep.

  The tall White Sword Tower on the city wall came into his view.

  The Kingsguard followed the king to Winterfell, so there should be no one in the tower now.

  Gerold pushed open the wooden door, and then froze.

  There was actually a dozing guard inside the door!

  "Who is it?"

  "It's me, Gerold of the Dayne family. I can't sleep at night, so I'm here to admire the Kingsguard's of the past."

  "Okay, Sir Gerold , please come in."

  Gerold tried his best to pretend a calm appearance, he climbed up the spiral staircase.

  Fortunately, there was no one else in the tower.

  He walked quickly to the top of the tower and looked out from the window -

  the sword tower was higher than the city wall, so as long as he gets out from here, he can escape from the Red keep!

  Of course, at this height, He would not dare to jump directly, because he would fall to death.

  He found a rope, threw one end out of the window, and fixed the other end inside the window.

  Hearing the louder and louder noises coming from outside, He didn't dare to stop for a moment, and hurriedly climbed down along the rope.


  Halfway through the climb, He suddenly heard a familiar eagle cry.

  As soon as he turned his head, he saw a black shadow rushing towards him like the scythe of death.



  "What happened?"

  Samwell walked out of the room in his night wear and asked the seven or eight nobles gathered outside.

  "I don't know, it seems that the palace guards are looking for someone." Horas replied casually with his arms hanging.

  Samwell stepped forward to stand side by side with the eldest son of Arbor Island, and asked with concern:

  "How is the injury on your hand ? " , he also said, "By the way, where is Hobber ? Was he seriously injured in the afternoon?"

  "He's fine." Horas looked back at his brother's dark room, "probably asleep."

  "That's good." The corners of Samwell's mouth rose slightly, "It's good to sleep."

  Several people looked at each other for a while, and finally a guard ran over and said, "

  "Which one is Sir Horas ? "

  "I am." Horas stepped forward without knowing why, "what's the matter?"

  The guard sighed:

  "I'm sorry, your brother, Sir Hobber, unfortunately died."

  "My brother...what did you say !" Horas suddy reached out and grabbed the collar of the guard, tearing his wound and with a painful expression.

  "Say it again!"

  "Sir, please calm down. We found the body of your brother Ser Hobber in the godswood."

  Horas felt his head spinning, and all the voices in his ears seemed to become extremely distant.

  After a while, he came back to his senses, and asked hissingly,

  "Who did it? Who did it!"

  "We suspect it was... Gerold of the Dayne family."

