
Chapter 117

Chapter 117 Retreat

  "Euron Greyjoy! Is Iron Islands going to rebel against the Iron Throne again?"

  Horas questioning voice seemed weak in the storm.

  Euron didn't even bother to answer this kind of question. He smiled evilly and jumped onto the deck nimbly, just avoiding the slash of a soldier from Arbor Island.


  A scimitar with a unique shape pierced the neck of another Arbor Island soldier, and then lifted him up.

  Thick blood gushed out, and the soldiers' necks was slowly torn apart, leaving only the headless corpse standing before Euron.

   "What Is Dead May Never Die!"

  Euron was drenched in blood, like a demon coming out of hell, frightening the surrounding Arbor Island soldiers who didn't even dare to step forward.

  "I don't think we will die!"

  Horas roared, waving his long sword and rushed forward.


  the long sword and the scimitar intersected, but Horace's heart sank, because he found that the opponent's scmitar had no strength at all.

  He don't know if it was a coincidence, but a huge wave happened to hit, and the whole warship tilted because of it.

  Horas couldn't stand still, and his center of gravity tilted.

  Euron, on the other hand, walked up the sloping deck, as if he could not be restrained by gravity.

  The two people crossed again.

  Horas complexion changed drastically, like falling into an ice cellar.

  The next moment, a severe stabbing pain came from his left back shoulder blade, which made him scream out.

  Luckily he wore light armor, for Euron's scimitar slammed into the weak spot of the joint and jammed.

  But Horas had completely lost his balance, and he slammed into the side of the ship with a bang.

  " What Is Dead May Never Die as they will rise again..."

  Euron laughed out loud, and was about to finish the eldest son of Arbor Island.

  But at this moment, his blue pupils suddenly shrank.


  A tomahawk slammed the place where Euron was just standing , ripping a hole in the deck.

  Among the flying sawdust, Samwell continued to track the black figure.

  Although he wished that the Redwyne brothers would die at the hands of pirates, but now, he really couldn't let them die.

  After all, the soldiers on Arbor Island still need to rely on them to command, and when a strong enemy is attacking, internal strife is the most stupid way.

  He's not Hobber.


  Samwell threw another axe, but he still couldn't touch the hem of Euron's clothes.

  Euron also saw Samwell's terrifying power, so he deliberately didn't fight him head-on. He walked like flying on the violently turbulent deck, and even made movements that violated the laws of physics.

  Damn it!

  Samwell realized more and more that it was a very unwise move to fight someone like "The Crow's Eye" at sea.

  The sea in the storm is simply this person's playground.

  So, instead of wasting his energy chasing, he stopped where he was, with a shield in one hand and an ax in the other, his eyes fixed on Euron's figure, waiting for the opponent to attack first.

  At this time, Euron was hanging on a broken mast by a rope, looking at Samwell who stopped, he opened his mouth, and let out a crazy and weird smile: " What Is Dead May Never Die as they will rise again with even greater power!"

  As soon as the words fell, a bolt of lightning suddenly pierced the night sky, and the intense light blinded everyone for a moment.

  At the same time, the warship was just catapult to the top of the waves and there was a short stay in the air.


  The strong sense of weightlessness made Samwell stagger, and what made him even more flustered was that the black figure on the mast was gone!


  The warship slammed back into the sea, and everyone on deck staggered from the impact—

  except Euron.

  Samwell didn't know when he came behind him, and the scimitar in his hand was like a god of death, slashing towards his neck silently.


  The strong sense of crisis caused Samwell to roll on the ground suddenly, and thus avoided the fatal blow.

  But Euron got the momentum and was relentless, laughing wildly and chasing after him.

  Samwell fled in embarrassment. The violently shaking deck and the pursuit behind him made him have no time to regain his balance. The battle ax in his hand was also lost, leaving only the shield.

  Seeing that Euron was like a tarsus behind him,and several pirates surrounded him, Samwell gritted his teeth and slammed into the cabin.


  The wooden wall exploded under the huge impact.

  Samwell rolled a few times on the ground and finally got up.

  Looking back, Euron didn't come after him.

  He breathed a sigh of relief, calmed down his heartbeat, and then got out of the big hole again.

  The wind and rain were blowing, with a strong smell of blood.

  The situation on the deck seemed to be very bad. The soldiers on Arbor Island were completely beaten by the pirates.

  Samwell found Euron wrestling with Knight Lucas Dayne.

  Just as he was about to step forward to help, Samwell suddenly turned his head and looked to the right—

  Hobber Redwyne!

  The second son of the Earl of Arbor Island hid in a dark corner holding a sword, and turned his head guiltily after seeing Samwell's gaze.

  But Samwell just stared at him until he couldn't take it anymore and turned around to fight.

  Damn idiot! Sooner or later I will kill you!

  Samwell looked at Hobber back and cursed secretly.

  "My lord, your sword!"

  The attendant Katu finally brought the giant sword [Dawn].

  Samwell quickly threw away the shield and took the giant sword.

  Holding the cold sword hilt in his right hand, his restless heart suddenly calmed down, his eyes slowly swept across the audience, and he shouted at the Lucas knight in front of him:

  "Lucas! Get down!"

  Lucas heard his own call and couldn't understand the meaning at all as he was also under great pressure from Euron at this time, and he didn't dare to be distracted .

  But the next moment, he felt a fiery and terrifying aura rising from his side.

  Lucas finally couldn't help turning his head, and saw that Samwell was slowly pulling out the giant sword [Dawn]—

on the body of the milky white glass-like sword, red and golden mysterious lines appeared again, more and more, until it Densely covered the entire sword body.

  As the giant sword was slowly unsheathed, the inscription burned violently, and every line seemed to spew out red flames.

  From a distance, Samwell seemed to be holding a fire!

  The icy torrential downpour could not dim the flame even a little bit.

  The raging sea wind stopped suddenly, and the turbulent waves suddenly calmed down. At this moment, the original manic sea seemed to hold its breath suddenly, waiting for something, welcoming something... as the giant sword was unsheathed .

  Lucas finally understood what Samwell meant, and the old knight could no longer care about the threat of his opponent, and made a move that could be called suicide on the battlefield—

  lying down!

  Euron didn't take the opportunity to deal the blow but he seemed to realize something, turned around without hesitation, and dived towards the dark sea.


  The red sword light poured down like a volcanic eruption.


  Silver snake-like lightning also covered the night sky, but it still couldn't cover up the brilliance of the sword light.

  A dozen pirates and three or four unlucky Arbour Island soldiers were swept by the sword light and turned into balls of flames in an instant.

  The side of the ship was also shattered by the sword light, turning into countless burning fireballs and falling into the sea.

  It's a pity that Euron still escaped, and the sword light only cut off his black cloak, on which the golden sea monster's coat of arms was scorched and distorted in the flames, and finally unrecognizable.

  The world fell silent, and everyone stared dumbfounded at the tall figure holding the huge flaming sword.

  The next moment, the pirates jumped into the sea one after another as if waking up from a dream, and fled.


  the retreating horn finally sounded, and the pirate ships quietly disappeared into the darkness.

  Then, Samwell slowly returned [Dawn] to the scabbard.

  In fact, he could no longer swing the sword second time.

  The blow just now almost took all the strength out of his body, but luckily the storm had stopped, otherwise he wouldn't even have the strength to stand firmly on the deck.

  But fortunately, the enemy has been scared away.

  The surviving soldiers of Arbour Island let out strange exclamations of excitement, celebrating the victory after the catastrophe, and shouting Samwell's name.

  A round crescent moon reappeared in the sky, casting cold light on the sea that had just returned to calm.

