
Chapter 104

Chapter 104 The Baron

  Three days later, on a sunny afternoon, Samwell met the procession from Highgarden at Eagle's Island.

  Riding in the front row of the team was a young man in shining armor. His appearance was somewhat similar to "Knight of Flowers" Loras Tyrell, but he was bigger and more masculine.

  The chest of the armor was printed with a golden rose pattern, but there was two, representing that he is the second son of the Tyrell family-Garlan Tyrell.

  "Welcome to Eagle Island, Sir Garlan." Samwell stepped forward and bowed.

  "Sir Caesar!" Garlan got off his horse and gave Samwell a warm hug. "I heard about your great victory. It was really exciting!"

  "Thanks to the blessings of the seven gods." Samwell said modestly.

  While speaking, he saw a familiar figure coming down from the carriage in the middle of the team——Margaery Tyrell.

  The duke's daughter was wearing a green dress today, with a rose made of gold thread on her chest, her soft brown hair coiled into a lady's bun, covered with a black silk hairnet embellished with diamonds, and Wearing a pair of drop-shaped gemstone earrings on her ears , it just matched the sapphire embedded in the ribbon collar around her throat.

  "Sam!" Margaery called out to her knight affectionately.

  "Lady Margaery !" Samwell quickly stepped forward to salute, but just as he bent down, he found a white and slender hand stretched out in front of him.

  So, he pressed a kiss between Margaery's fingers very gentlemanly.

  "Quick! Tell us about your glorious battle!" Margaery waved her fists excitedly, as if she wanted to be there in person.

  Samwell smiled slightly, and while leading the two inside, began to tell the whole story of the previous battle.

  Margery was a good listener and always reacts at the most appropriate time. She was amazed, worried, nervous, excited... like nothing can trouble her.

  Moreover, the look of admiration on the girl's eyes can make any man unable to stop.

  "It was a wonderful battle!" After listening to Samwell's story, Margaery concluded, "It should be the biggest victory for the Reach Army since Robert's rebellion ! Garlan, right? "

  "Yes." Garlan nodded, obviously agreeing with his sister's evaluation.

  "Thanks to my father's command and Sir Alekyne strong support." Samwell said modestly.

  "You're not bad either." Margaery smiled. "I heard that you led seven hundred cavalry to smash the Dornish army formation. I really want to see your heroic appearance at that time!"

"There will be a chance."Sam said

 He leaned slightly, "As your knight, I can charge for you at any time."

  Hearing this, the smile on Margaery's face became sweeter.

  Samwell led the two of them to visit his own territory again. Since the castle hadn't been built yet, it looked a bit shabby and there wasn't much to see.

  However, Margaery was always in high spirits, she didn't dislike the shabby territory of Samwell at all, and warmly waved and greeted the residents there. She gave some food to kids and to talked to them personally and condolences.

  Noble status, beautiful face, friendly gesture... the daughter of the duke completely conquered the citizens of Eagle Island in just one afternoon.

  Even the savages who don't have much sense of belonging to the Reach are willing to cheer for her, pray for her, and maybe even fight for her.

  No wonder in the original book, the young girl has captivated the king's landing by her charm not long after she went to there, the most prosperous city in Westeros.

  Samwell watched all this from the side, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, some people are indeed born to be loved by the public.

  As for whether Margaery's gesture was out of her own heart or deliberately to win people's hearts, it was actually not important.

  Her dedication is real, and the people's love for her is also real.

  In this stratified world, how many nobles can really bend down like her and talk to the people at the bottom?

  Even if Samwell asks himself, he can't do it. Although he comes from a more equal world, he has always worked hard to provide good living conditions for his subjects, but if he is really asked to sit in a group, he really can't speak well among the stinking low-level people and treat them cordially... He really doesn't have that patience.

  As night fell, Samwell hosted a grand bonfire dinner for the two distinguished guests.

  During the banquet, Margaery undoubtedly became the protagonist, and she even made almost all the citizens of Eagle Island sing "Song of the Seven Gods" together.

  You must know that since Samwell did not force the people to convert, there are quite a few people who believe in other gods.

  However, under the influence of the Duke's daughter's charm, it seems that even the barrier of belief is no longer a problem.

  "Sam." Margaery drank a lot of brandy, her little face was little flushed, and she appeared extremely charming under the light of the fire, "It's so hot, accompany me to the beach."

"It's my honor."

The two walked together away from crowd and came to the secluded beach.

  The slightly cool sea water rushes up from time to time, driving away the dryness of the bonfire banquet.

  "Thank you, Sam."

  "You're welcome, Lady Margaery . I was worried about the hospitality."

  " I didn't mean that." Margaery shook her head. "I mean the refugees."

  Samwell suddenly said, "You don't have to be polite about that. I promised you that I will let them live a good life."

  " You are an upright knight, and even more so, a wise lord." Margaery said earnestly, "It is the greatest luck for the refugees and wildlings to be your vassal."

  "Thank you for your compliment. However, I think they may prefer you to be their lord."

  Margaery giggled when she heard the words: "I can't protect them from the enemy. It depends on you, brave knight. Oh, I almost forgot. It's time to change the title . "

  Margaery took out a piece of parchment with a golden rose seal wax from her bosom, and said to Samwell with a smile:

  "Kneel down, my knight."

  Samwell immediately realized what was about to happen, although he had expected this day a long time ago, but at this moment his heart still couldn't help beating.

  Of course, he wouldn't say such stupid things as that his castle hadn't been built yet, and he immediately knelt down in front of Margaery on one knee.

  "I, Margaery Tyrell, daughter of Mace Tyrell, in the name of Duke of the Reach, Warden of the South, and Lord of Highgarden, canonize Samwell Caesar as Baron of Eagle Island, from this day forward, The Caesar family is the family of hereditary barons in the Reach."

  Margaery handed the letter of appointment to Samwell, and said with a smile:

  "Get up, Baron of Eagle Island. In addition, your baron rings, seals, dress suits and other things are all in the gift box, remember to get it. There are also family crests and clan motto, if you have thought about it, you can tell me at any time..."

  Samwell didn't have the heart to care about the dress ,crests at all, but hurriedly stared at his attribute panel, at this moment, it really changed ….a lot:

  [ Character: Samwell Caesar

  Title: Baron (+1)

  Territory: Eagle Island

  Vassal: Lucas Dayne (Knight)

  Strength: 4.44

  Agility: 1.25

  Spirit: 2.17

  Boost: 1/100

