
Chapter 22


  " spears!"



  On the small hill at the mouth of the valley, Samwell's voice was already a little hoarse.

  But the expression on his face became more and more relaxed.

  Fighting to the present, not only those recruits have already completed their transformation under the baptism of blood, but Samwell has also strengthened his confidence in the military theory he has thought of. On this battlefield dominated by cold weapons, neat queues ,strict discipline and order is the most powerful weapon.

  The savage corpses almost covering the hillside in front of him are the best proof of this theory.

  Samwell could already feel that the enemy's aura was fading rapidly, and the momentum of the attack was no longer as good as before. he believed that it won't be long before the savages don't even dare to launch a new round of attack on the hill.

  Even without Todd Flower attacking outside, Samwell is confident that he will lead his recruits to defend the valley.

  Looking at the dark savages crowded in the valley, Samwell even had time to think that only if only he had some archers in his hand.

  At this time, a few rounds of shooting at the crowd will definitely destroy the morale of the savages.

  Of course, this can only be thought about.

  It is not so easy to train a qualified archers , four months is definitely not enough, not to mention, archers are a very expensive unit.

  He can only wait until the territory grows stronger in the future.

  There are also cavalry, so it will cost even more money...


  A roar like thunder on the ground exploded in his ears, Samwell suddenly came back to his senses, and saw that one of his shield soldier flew up like a kite with a broken string, rolled a few times in the air and then fell heavily, the entire chest was sunken, and unstoppable blood gushed out of his mouth.

  what happened?

  Samwell was shocked to find that a majestic savage actually tore through the defense line of the shield soldiers and rushed up. He was unstoppable with a long knife, and the tiger fangs necklace hanging on his chest was shining with blood.

  "Stop him!"


  Cheka slashed and shattered the wooden shield in front of him again. Among the scattered sawdust, his blood-red eyes locked on the person on the hillside who was giving orders.

  "Die !" ( courting death 😂)

  Cheka roared, like a tiger descending the mountain, and rushed towards Samwell.

  In the blink of an eye, Samwell couldn't dodge at all, so he could only bite the bullet and swing his sword to block.


  Amid the violent clanging of iron, Samwell let go of his long sword, and his whole figure seemed to have been hit by a truck and flew backwards.

  The severe pain in his chest made it almost impossible for him to breathe.

  Fortunately, he was protected by a chain armor just now, otherwise he would definitely have his chest cut open by this terrifying savage!

  Before Samwell could catch his breath, Cheka laughed wildly and slashed down again.

  The gust of wind blowing towards his face was like the breath of death, almost breaking Samwell's liver and gallbladder.

  At the juncture of life and death, he tried his best, using both hands and feet, and crawled a few steps to the side like a big lizard.


  the steel sword hit the ground heavily, and the splashed soil and gravel drew several bloodstains on Samwell's face.

  Just a little bit and his body was going to be separated from his head.

  Samwell was struggling to get up, but at this moment his hands and feet seemed to be filled with lead, and he couldn't move at all.

  But Cheka pounced again.

  "Protect Lord Caesar!"

  The soldiers finally came to their senses and stopped Cheka.

  Samwell quickly took a few breaths, only to find that his mouth was full of fishy and sweet taste.

  What a terrible savage!

  What a tyrannical force!

  After these days of hard training and the help of the golden tail shrimp, his current strength attribute has surpassed that of ordinary people, reaching 1.32.

  But in front of this terrifying savage, he was still so vulnerable!

  Samwell secretly guessed that the strength attribute of this savage might have reached 3, or even higher!

  "The second group move forward! Stabilize the line of defense! The third group surrounds this savage!"

  Samwell gasped and ordered quickly.

  This is the advantage of having a reserve team. The line of defense that was breached just now quickly stabilized again.

  As for the Cheka, no matter how tough he is, surrounded by dozens of spear and shield soldiers, what kind of waves can he make?

  Personal valor plays a very limited role in war.

  However, Samwell also had to admit that it was really thrilling just now.

  The savage was extremely terrifying both in terms of personal force and timing. If he succeeded in killing Samwell, he might really be able to turn the tide of the battle .

  But unfortunately, missed by only a little bit.

  At this moment, Cheka could only be surrounded by more than a dozen spears, poking left and right and in a panic he soon suffered several wounds on his body.

  Cheka roared like a trapped beast in the cage, he looked around with his blood-red eyes, and suddenly threw the steel knife in his hand towards Samwell!


  Fortunately, Samwell had been paying attention to this person's movements, and when he saw this, he quickly took the wooden shield from the soldier beside him and blocked it in front of him.


  With strong inertia, the long knife pierced a hole in the wooden shield, but it was still blocked by the chain armor on Samwell's body.

  The tyrannical force actually made Samwell take three steps back and sat down on the ground.

  Swallowing the blood rushing to his throat, Samwell struggled to get up again, and shouted angrily,

 "Kill him!"


  Seeing that the savage had no weapons, the soldiers rushed forward.


  Cheka roared wildly, as if he was going crazy, and was about to charge again in the direction of Samwell.

  The soldiers quickly gathered, ready to defend their lord to the death.

  But who knows, Cheka suddenly turned around and rushed out of the valley.

  Before this savage showed extremely fierce and indomitable, now he suddenly played tricks, which really caught the soldiers by surprise.

  In a daze, Cheka actually broke out of the encirclement.

  "Stop chasing! Hold your position!" Samwell quickly stopped the soldiers who were trying to pursue.

  Although he wished to cut that savage into pieces, he also knew that the overall situation was the most important.

  Besides, the savage was already seriously injured, so there was nothing to worry about.

  Although the Cheka's rampage made the defenders flustered for a while, the facts proved that this attack was just a episode.

  After this the wildlings could no longer pose any threat to the defence line on the hill.

  Moreover, Samwell has already heard the sound of fighting coming from outside the valley.

  Obviously, Todd finally led his troops back.

  There was a burst of cheers in the camp, and the morale of the soldiers was even higher.

  But the savage on the opposite side became more and more depressed.

  Although they organized a few more attacks, the position of this not-so-high hill was like a city wall made of steel, impenetrable.

  The road ahead was blocked, and the rear was attacked again. The savages in the valley finally became anxious and panicked.

  At this time, the first ray of light in the morning finally pierced the deep darkness, illuminating the valley in the fierce battle, and presenting this hellish scene in front of everyone—from the mouth of the valley to the front of the defense line of the pioneering team.

On a slope of more than a hundred feet, the corpses of savages were densely piled. In this pile of corpses, there are still savages who have not died, and they letting out heart-piercing wail , just begging for a relief.

  The flowing blood dyed the ground dark red, and the strong smell of blood permeated the air, almost suffocating.

  This doomsday scene became the last straw that broke the camel's back.

The army of savages finally collapsed!

  They could no longer organize a decent attack, and either ran back like crazy, or cried bitterly with their heads in their hands, or lay motionless on the ground, as if they were frightened dead ... Samwell took the opportunity to attack the wildlings shouting loudly:

  "Drop your weapons ,surrender !"

  The soldiers on the hillside also began to move forward, shouting as they walked:

  "Drop down your weapons, surrender!"

  "Drop your weapons, surrender !"

  … …

