
He's No Boy, He's A Monster

Samiel held the egg close to his chest, his eyes lingering on it as if it were the most precious thing in the world.

But then, in the next moment, Samiel's pupils froze, and the cold, detached expression returned to his face. His gaze snapped back to the demon, his eyes burning with an icy fury.

"What. Did. You. Do. To. Her." Samiel's voice was eerily similar to his real voice, but it was much colder, much deeper. It resonated with a dark power that sent shivers down the demon's spine. 

The demon's eyes widened in horror as the realization dawned on it. Whatever had taken over Samiel had discovered what it had done to the egg.

The demon's thoughts spiraled into a chaotic frenzy, a desperate chant echoing in its mind: 'I'll die, he'll kill me, I'm done.'
