
Guardian of the runes


"All quarded sir, they won't let us through."

"Then go find out why immediately!"

''Yes sir!!''

With that the guard scurried off, like a mouse hurrying away in fear of Avery's temper and lack of patience Something that was not to be meddled with, of course Aethelstan couldn't care less.

"Even your quard barely looks at you, how scary must they think you are''

''Do you know how much time I have wasted and for what?

A teenage vampire who doesn't even speak to me?"

Crossing his arms, Avery began tapping his feet against the other seats, not caring as Dawn flinched.

"Don't worry about the grumpy old man, Dawn.'' Adrian ignored the way the tapping upped and instead with a big honest smile showed the drawing he had made to Dawn. "Look what I drew! What do you think?''

"It's not perfect but I think it has something.''

"Well?" His honest smile gradually dimmed as he received no answer until "Oh right, my bad. Here, just write it down wherever."

Dawn received the notebook with a soft smile, his hand moved and etched lines into the paper with his pen.

''It's beautiful. Who is it?"

"Good question....I don't know."

The conversation was short yet gained the attention of both Avery and Aethelstan.

"Can I see it, Adrian? What did you draw?"

At Aethelstan's question, Dawn easily flipped the pad and showed the drawing to the two other inhabitants. And an image stared back at them.

Hair seemed to grow longer and longer, even though the paper long since stopped, his obvious features sharp yet everything else was rather obscure. Giving so much yet so little.

"You know him, elf?''

"...not that I can say no, Adrian, how do you know him?"

"I don't...I just drew what came to mind."

"I didn't know you could draw like that, why don't you draw a little more?"

Carefully the boy took the pad back from Dawn and started pestering the other to draw with him, magically conjuring a second pencil so the other couldn't say no.

Hazel eyes gleamed as Avery pulled Aethelstan out of the carriage without giving him a second to gather his bearings.

He was excited, rushing in his movements as they went out, to a place where no one could hear.

"Does that bond of yours transfer abilities as well?"

''Refrain from touching me first.''

Rubbing his wrist in annoyance, his eyes glimpsed silver, something that happened way too often lately.

"Hurry up and answer.''

''It shouldn't..or I don't think so.

We don't understand how it works, in fact we barely know it."

"You're omniscient, that drawing was too everything to not mean anything!"

"Either way being omniscient isn't as much as an ability, it's just something that happens.

Something you're born with, in some cases something you earn through devotion to gods and such."

"How come he drew an elf that you didn't know?"

"Don't overreact, he's a young boy. He has an imagination."

Avery swaggered even closer in Aethelstan's private space, who didn't give any reaction except a raised eyebrow.

'This is getting tiresome, Avery."

"Is this the first time you used my name?

I like it, elf." With a tug on the elf's clothes he grinned. ''Now you said you don't understand your bond, how can you not understand that?!"

"I have a name too, besides it isn't that simple."

"How can it be that difficult?

Did you even try?"

"None of your business." With a brisk turn he planned on leaving, only to be interfered with hands on his wrists. Stopping in place, he called out. ""Can you stop this?"

Annoyance came over him but Avery only reeked off curiosity, pure curiosity.

"I don't think I can, I have found something intriguing. How could I bear to let you go?"

''So what? I'm a toy, an interesting plaything?"


"Just something that you can play with until you've gotten bored, tired of me?"

"Never. I could never."

"Such words, I would believe everyone but you.''

With a harsh thug he was turned around, blue hair fluttering before falling back on his shoulder as shining silver eyes stared into determined hazel orbs.

"You're enchanting in a way everything else never will be and for the life of me I don't see me letting you go. Even when you want me to leave so badly that you lose all sensibility I will be there, once you get bored of me I shall still be there.

No matter what I shall be there and you shall learn to like it....no you shall learn to love it!

You won't have a choice, unless you don't want me to help with this so-called difficult bond.``


Starling eyes just stared, stared at the convinced Avery before he sighed incredulous.

"If you wanted to have an excuse to experiment on the bond you should have just said so."

"I di-"

Avery was cut off from speaking as green, thick vines wrapped themselves around him before he could even move or form another thought. ''Don't be so petty, elf. I meant what I said.''

Huffing, Aethelstan rejected his words. ''You just wanted something to play with, an excuse to make me agree without all too much trouble.

I am sure you will get out of there yourself, so come back once you have news."

"What? Am I not allowed to return earlier?''


Aethelstan didn't see it as he did manage to leave this time but Avery licked his lips in glee, eyes carefully tracing the elf, who merely left without another look or word.

It was only thirty minutes that he returned, figure lazely leaning on the carriage door as his voice enriched the surroundings.

"Good news, we are allowed in.

However, only Aethelstan and I are."

The emphasis on his name made Aethelstan wary, while he had mentioned that he had a name too he didn't actually think that Avery was going to use it. It hadn't looked like it.

''Since when do you call him by his name?!"

Even Adrian was guarded yet the only thing he received was a flash of annoyance. "Come on then elf!"

A sigh escaped rose coloured lips as he left the carriage and entered the new one prepared by the city.

Avery's guards split between the two carriage's and soon the city's guards joined them as they finally approached the city center in a rapid but steady space.

Houses made of different sizes and colours swooped passed as numerous went about their day, a few curious gazes tried to see the inhabitants of the carriage. The city's crest glaringly obvious.

Not that they could see, quards obstructing their view.

Same for the inhabitants, not that it mattered. Even though they had finally reached the city of runes, neither of them showed any particular interest in their surroundings or the people living in them.

Aethelstan was tired, no matter what they had done those past weeks his core kept getting depleted. The more time passed the less it refilled through Adrian.

What's worse that true to his words Avery had kept his interest and in certain ways heightened it, it made him briefly wonder if the exclamation from before was truly just a way to experiment on the bond or was the human getting attached?

It was uncertain, Avery was only interested in ways to gain control of him. The bond is just another method to the ever growing list. Even now his eyes stayed on him, watching, gaining information through methods unknown.

''Are you thinking of your bonded one?"

Avery's eyes were glazing with thoughts yet as soon as he received the elf's answer he focused back on the fine marble features.

"Can't you be silent for just a few minutes?''

"Don't say that, you will hurt my feelings."

''You have those?"

''If you would just talk to me, the, we wouldn't have to play this game of cat and mouse.''

Sighing once more, tiredness radiating off him as lips parted. ''You like it though.''

''That I do, won't deny that.'' The other was proud as a strand of hair got twirled between his fingers.

''You know, I was really saying the truth back there.'' His long finger got placed playfully on reddish lips in a sush manner. ''That doesn't mean you'll gain information just by being handsome or interesting. I expect something better when you finally decide to ask for my help, something way better.'

He was already looking forward to it, that much was obvious.

With a twirl of eyes Aethelstan merely ignored the other, leaving the carriage in silence for the rest of the ride.

It was only when they were welcomed in front of a big mansion that both pairs of tongues loosened.

"Elven sage, it's an honour.''

The tired part of him had rapidly vanished as he entered his diplomatic mode, simultaneously ignoring Avery's grumble.

'It's a pleasure to be welcomed personally, please refer to me as Aethelstan.''

''Once again it's an honour, I have heard many great things about you. If there's a chance I would love to converse further with you.

But if you would please follow me inside now.

No need to worry the guards can come along.''

''Lead the way.''

Instead of streets, they now traversed through dozens of hallways.

Each one visible engraved with glowing runes, showcasing that even though there are just a select pair of guards the place was still heavily guarded.

While it felt long, it was merely seconds before they approached a dining room. The wide open doors revealed the large oaken table, combined with the amount of chairs needed.

''Please sit.''

The woman's voice practically hung in the air vibrantly, as she sat relaxed at the head of the table.

Both of them were led to the right and left of her and as they seated they fully took in the woman's appearance.

Sama runes that were etched all over the mansion, were present all over her. Their view was limited yet every part of her arms were covered, with even two right above her eyebrows as whitish eyes stared at them.

A striking combination when you compared it with her short black hair and tanned skin.

Quite a sight, that was what she was.

Despite her small stature, a shocking 1.49, she demanded respect. Everything compelled you to0

"I am Amari, this city's rune master.

I must say your beauty is far more refined than rumours led to believe, Elven sage.``

"Thank you for your generous compliment but compared to your beauty I am lacking.

How lucky this city is to have you to lead it to great lengths."

"How humble, as expected. Elf's sure are a different breed.

It's very satisfying to hear."

Silence descended as all three carefully measured each other, waiting until either one would speak.

''I can't say I share the sentiments of satisfaction. In fact I'm quite bored."

Avey's was immediately rebuked by Aethelstan, who's features hardened. "Mind your manners, we are already intruding in another's domain as it is."

"Do you really think I want to hear the both of you complimenting each other, elf!?"

The once harmless silence, now descended into a strained one.

"It seems someone doesn't share our patience or our respect, Elven sage.

In fact he behaves rather rudely, if you wish for it I can have him removed."

She had barely finished her sentence, when two of her guards were already behind her. Waiting for her command to begin the extraction.

And as much as Aethelstan actually did like the thought, he couldn't let that happen.

"It's alright, he's the person who's in the charge of this mission.

The reason why we're here.''

"I'm more than aware.

The mission consists of the transportation of the vampire child.

It was ,however, shocking, that you're involved in this.''

"Circumstances, dare I say.

If I may, could we request a favor?

I shall ,ofcourse, return it once needed."

''The use of the transport gate.''

"Do they use that name now? It changes ever so often but yes.

As Aethelstan so sweetly said, we do ask for your permission to pass."

His words once more started an anxious and stretching silence.

Yet he was only focused on side-eyeing Aethelstan, who almost groaned out in frustration.

"I pity you, sage, for what you must endure for the young vampire.'' There was a tacit understanding forming between the two before it vanished all too fast.

"No need to worry. I will allow the passage.

However it would be a shame if you were to leave so quickly.

We shall provide lodgings, meals and a place to rest until tomorrow afternoon."

''Thank you for your hospitality.

I do ,once again ask for a favour, have to ask if you could extend your offer to the other members of our team."

"They are already there, the guards shall escort you to the place.

Now I have other things to attend to but I hope we can have a conversation sometime, Elven sage."

"Ofcourse, a perfect idea where we can ask the questions clouding our mind."


Perfectly harmonious until a chair scraped backwards and an annoyed Avery pupped up. "That's quite enough of this, hurry up and lead the way."

The big door, that had closed, once more opened, a guard left with them after bowing respectfully to the runes master.

"Follow him, impatient one."

Grumbles and more grubly left Avery as went around the top of the table, swiftly pulling Aethelstan with him and out of the door.

"Did you enjoy it?" ''What?" "The back and forth, the compliments!''

"Your acting like a child.''

''You're one to talk, tch. You were acting all high and mighty because of those damn compliments.

Like a goddamn peacock, did you like it that much?"

Silver orbs looked incredulous at Avery, the silence working on the other's nerves as he sped up after the guard.

"Now look who's being petty."

"I didn't ask for your attitude, I asked if you liked it!"

The grip around his wrist thightenened even more, a flare of pain shooting up before that faded away, together with the surroundings.

He felt himself fading out yet he was still getting pulled ahead, Avery's back getting exchanged with a monstrous stature, a gorilla sized hand closing in on him as a bloodthirsty smile stretched in the darkness.

Simultaneously his arm ,still dragged, bleeded red.

Not his and neither was the blood that drenched his blue hair red and formed a puddle underneath him.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Myst_Rinnontoyacreators' thoughts