
Cheap Loyalty

"Oh, ask him to come here." she stood up dusting the imaginary lint on her dress. Then she looked at Rowan, "I will go and prepare for our lunch. You can spend time with your uncle in the meanwhile." Rowan was grateful for her understanding.

But when she turned, she noticed the servant accompanying Rowan was looking at the child coldly. Her eyes went cold instantly,

"And you, come with me." Luthan frowned at once, not ready to leave the child but he knew the woman would not relent. He bowed his head and followed Diana while giving one last commanding glance to Rowan.

Diana crossed the passage and took the man into her meeting room. Luthan noticed six knights standing at the door at once.

Diana sat on the sofa. Her kind demeanor was gone completely mad she looked at the servant as the authoritative cold woman she was…

"How much pay are you offered by the duchess?" Luthan had thought of so many questions in his mind but he did not think about this.
