
Words that will be used


The truth of the world is hard to take in for mortals and even many Gods as most beings were not created to see through the firmament God created. The Firmament rests beyond the universe it is a layer of highly complex magic and seals created during exodus to separate heaven from everything else. It is the inspiration for what would eventually become the mist that hides magic from mortals.


A city built on the roots of the tree of life and it resides just before Gods throne. It is where God decided the universe should be created and where all of the archangels were born and where every weapon of heaven was forged. And Just beyond its gates lies a small office where Metatron writes down everything in creation and decides if one is worthy enough to enter the empyrean's walls.

Angel Of The Lord:

A mysterious angel that is fiercely loyal to God acting as his voice in the Old Testament. It has no real name or appearance and only appears when God will them to. No one knows when it will show again or if it will show again at all.

The Emanations:

They are the beings that represent a part of the Sephirot such as Keter, Malkuth, Binah, and Chokmah. All of them are larger than mountains and walk or fly across the earth silently not displacing any land. All of them immensely powerful but only use it when they are attacked by a greater force.

Leave some concepts or things you want me to use such as lesser known angels or beings from religions based on Christianity. The abrahamic religions are facinating when you look into them.

IDontCarecreators' thoughts