
A Demigods Foolish Choice

Micheal POV:

The weather has been getting worse. Zeus is obviously mad at something, and Poseidon is retaliating. It is obvious what this childish spat is over the demigod named Percy Jackson. A sacred pact formed between gods has been broken and Zeus clearly isn't happy. This just means I need to work quicker.

I have joined the upcoming field trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art to follow the demigod. The teaching body didn't really understand why I wanted to go so I argued that since the Romans persecuted the Christians giving a lesson from a Christian perspective would be very insightful and maybe did a little magic on them to convince them just for good measure. I figured the fury did the same as well.

The combination of a fury and a son of Poseidon is an interpantheonic incident waiting to happen and if it is between two major Gods it may affect beings that can't see through the mist. As a protector of humanity and Gods creation I can't allow that to happen. What I'm still very confused about is why the satyr and Chiron haven't interfered yet isn't it their job to take care of demigods in that camp they own?

Everything was going as planned the students were walking around the museum and Chiron and I were giving lectures to them. Until the demigod pulled one of the other students into a fountain and was being called by the fury into the museum. The satyr apparently named Grover Underwood was basically begging him not to go alone, sending side glances to Chiron hoping he would notice but in the end the child went in by himself. I started walking up the stairs and I noticed Chiron was following me.

Percy POV:

I was called into the museum and questioned by Mrs.Dodds to confess I didn't know which topic to confess for eventually she said "your time is up" and the strangest thing happened. Her eyes started to glow, her fingers stretched into talons, and her jacket turned into large wings. She wasn't human and something even weirder happened Pastor Micheal and Mr. Brunner who were outside had suddenly appeared behind Mrs. Dodds.

Mr. Brunner looked like he was going to throw his pen at me but Pastor Micheal held him back and said "Chiron there is no need for such dramatic actions let me take care of the nuisance". Suddenly Pastor Micheal grew 12 golden wings and Mrs. Dodds was in front of him kneeling he glared at her his eyes glowing gold and said in a calm voice "Beast of Hades tremble for you are in front of one of the Lords greatest soldiers and with my authority over all sinners I banish you to the depths in which you came now go and never return".

The world started trembling the earth opened up and gold chains wrapped around Mrs. Dodds wings she screamed at Pastor Micheal "You are breaking the pact your fallen brother and Hades have made by interfering pigeon you are not allowed to stop Hades judgment from occurring on demigods who make foolish choices anymore". The Pastor looked at her with a sadness in his eye and responded "My brother always breaks any promises he makes even to pagan gods and if you looked at the pact in closer detail it states nothing about heaven not being able to interfere with your decisions". Mrs. Dodds snake eyes widened as she was dragged deep into the earth shouting profanities like a sailor and disintegrating into a fine gold mist. After she fully dissipated I looked back for Mr. Brunner and Pastor Micheal but found myself standing alone. As I walked back outside I noticed it was raining.

Micheal POV:

My divine mission is not over but I am still on a path back to heaven I have to report my findings to Metatron. He will surely understand me diverging from the mission for a moment. As I float over to the Pearly gates I see saint Peter sitting at a reception desk he glances at me and say "Lord Micheal your back so soon should I schedule an appointment with Yeshua or are you here on other business"? I respond by saying "I am here on other business Peter can I please come through the gates"?. Peter presses a small gold button on his desk and the pearly gates open. I fly directly up to the layer of heaven below the empyrean where the angels sing to songs of creation and praise the Lord God in all his glory and where the heavenly council made up of the leaders of the Cheribum, Seraphim, Ophanim, and Archangels meet. I land gently on the floor and start walking to the building where the once Patriarch Enoch resides ready to share my findings.

Comment where I made grammatical mistakes I may tend to do that alot.

IDontCarecreators' thoughts