
A Mysterious Mage

Jack quickly retreated through the tunnels through the secret doors, dodging traps and contraptions that activated as he ran. He heard the ominous thrumming of mana in the background, suggesting a spell triggered by the necromancer's death was taking effect.

He sprinted through the vertical tunnel that served as the necromancer's elevator shaft, his body transforming into black mist and shadow to increase his speed. With a final burst, Jack tore through the concealed entrance and leaped into the old tavern, the only entry point within the district.

The tavern was devoid of any vengeful spirits, as they were all gathered in the square, attempting to wear down the shadow morphs. This was of course, a foolish endeavor, as the shadow morphs were essentially similar to vengeful spirits and would not tire unless their sustaining mana was depleted.


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