
USA Aftermath

— Sector Alpha City - Astral Building —

It had been a week since the capture of Washington, D.C. Daniel sat in his office in the Astral Building at Sector Alpha City, listening to Cao Cao and Albert's reports. He was digesting the gains and losses from the campaigns in both Japan and the US.

He wished Envy could be there to help sort out the mess, but she had refused, insisting that it was a man's job to be a role model and pillar for their family. She didn't want to meddle in his work, though she was willing to offer advice and help in some areas. The main responsibilities, however, remained his to shoulder.

Now that the threat from Hightower had become negligible and their influence in Southeast Asia and North America had nearly vanished, only a few small secret operation cells were being… forcefully evacuated by Albert's men. 
