
Rise Up - End

Under cover of night, amid the smoke and fire of missiles and explosions, the rebel groups advanced through the hail of bullets that rained down on their bio-engineered creature defenses.

One by one, Cao Cao and Nicholas' Black Squad smashed through enemy lines, clearing a path towards the White House. The once pristine lawn was now littered with craters and the bodies of Confederate soldiers and bioengineered creatures.

The cacophony of gunfire, explosions, and screams continued for another fifteen minutes after Cao Cao and the Black Squad entered the White House, neutralizing all resistance. Then, silence fell, broken only by radio chatter and the heavy footsteps of power armor suits.

"We found something! Call the demolition team!" A member of the Black Squad shouted from the White House entrance.


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
