
End Of The Battle



"How did you find me!" A startled cry escaped from the shadow, which sooner or later revealed itself as Qiu Xufeng.


With its two black eyes fixed on Chen Tian, it conveyed a sense of astonishment within its gaze.


"As if I would tell that information to you, you fool." Chen Tian retorted with a hint of sarcasm.




"Frustrating scoundrel, how did he discover my location?


This technique is a closely guarded secret art passed down within my family!" Qiu Xufeng muttered in disbelief.


"If he manages to track me down, I will simply enhance the power of the technique.


This time, I will pour all of my mastery of the darkness law into it.


The sooner I bring this battle to an end, the more advantageous it will be for me."


Qiu Xufeng thought inwardly.

