


114 AC


Daeron Nymeros Martell


"Not that this has not been one of the nicest meals we have ever shared together but I believe I need to head off now. If I want to make it back before everyone is asleep I need to leave now, it's been a pleasant conversation, Good Father." I stretch my arms and yawn as I stand up, my Good Father nods while wiping his lips with a cloth.

"I am glad we had the chance to clear this up among the two of us, I trust you to convey my words." I nod feeling a bit annoyed but also put at ease after thoroughly understanding the King's intentions.

There will be no problems from the Hightower's and even if they wanted to make problems then I can and will just explode their hearts in their chests. Dragon-blooded or not, they will pop like a balloon if I so much as 'wave a hand' so I have nothing to fear from them. Viserys is also aware of my stance on a potential 'threat' to my Son Aegon inheriting the Throne, he knows I will kill anyone who tries something. So I doubt some 'black versus green' drama is going to start, if it did then it would end quickly with some shallow graves and unmarked headstones.

The King is also aware of this, and in his own words, he is not going to jeopardize the Dornish integration as he did his marriage with his Wife. We will see the truth of it with time, I still need to stop by and drop off some words to Alicent before I leave... but things should be fine, if not I can just get murder happy.


"Alicent." She remains facing the window after I was let into her room, she seems to have known I was going to seek her out as her guards let me in without even asking any questions.

"Daeron." I almost chuckle at the lack of titles as we address one another for the first time in a long time.

"How are you?" I ask as I step toward her without her so much as looking over her shoulder at me.

"Tired." She sighs and I nod easily spotting the baby bump even from behind as I come to a stop a few feet from her. "Feeling a little sick if I am honest... how are you?" I hum as I look around her room and spot another chair and head toward it.

"Ready to be back with my Wife and Son, but duty calls so I am still here." I lift the padded chair and carry it over toward her before setting it down beside her backward and mounting it leaning my chest against the padded backrest. "Rhaenyra asked for me to greet you on her behalf... and then shortly after cursed you." Alicent cringes beside me and I can't help but feel a bit bad for the young woman, she got a shit hand, I thought this was avoided with how secure Rhaenyra is on the throne by the nature of the Dornish integration agreement.

"Does she hate me now?" Alicent asks with a soft voice as he hand goes to her stomach, her eyes look a bit glassy as she tries to not look at me after a hesitant look cast once in my direction.

"Maybe... it is hard to tell when she is so pregnant, she loves spicy food one moment and then throws it across the room in the next moment... and then she will cry that she made a mess." I shake my head thinking about my beautiful she-dragon back at Dorne.

"Sounds like Rhaenyra." Alicent chuckles and her flat hand on her belly tenses as I notice her face turned pained for a moment.

"Baby kicking?" I ask as I lean closer and stretch out a hand and set it beside hers on her round stomach.

Seems she is farther along than I thought, she is just not as 'sexy thicc' as my sweet wife is and so it was a bit harder to judge. God just thinking about my wife and her hips and breast is enough to make me want to try and fly back without even needing Gaelithox...

"Uhh..." Alicent seems surprised and a bit nervous as I feel around her baby bump, this is likely not something she foresaw.

"I won't lie, I do not like the idea of the King having a Son as people will no doubt try and push for a King rather than a Queen. But the Royal Progress is showing promise so far from all the places we have visited even though it was mainly the Stormlands thus far. Dorne was assured to support Rhaenyra as I am her Husband but I am confident in pulling eight out of every ten Stormland Lords to her side if a Son of yours tried to press his claim. If I can replicate that result across the other Kingdoms then I will have nothing to fear, and I am sure I can accomplish at least that much." The Tyrells are going to be the most important, they can easily match the HighTower's and keep the Reach out of any conflict.

Plus the Hightower's are too big for their britches and I know the Tyrells will want to knock them down a peg or two. Not counting what I could do with my bending and just instantly killing any threat to Rhaenyra and my Sons claim, even ignoring my dragon, I am confident in winning any 'Dance of Dragons'. But I am certain it won't come to that anyway, we will avoid it skillfully and have nothing to worry about.

A kick from the baby in her belly draws a smile from me as I lift my hand and pull it back, Alicent relaxes as I do so.

"That is not what I want to begin with." Alicent replies after a moment of soothing herself, her teary eyes even more wet as she clenches her dress.

"Good, prove that and you have nothing to worry about from me or any of my people, that much I can assure you of." Rhaenyra is angry but there is still that part of her that is friends with Alicent, maybe it won't go to shit if Alicent is truthful.

Maybe if I kill off her Father she won't try anything stupid... I thought he was smart enough to see this was a stupid move in the long run. But maybe I thought too highly of him or the call of having dragon-riding Grandchildren was just too tempting to him.

"I want it to be a girl... then it has no claim over Rhaenyra and won't be in danger." Alicent sighs after composing herself for a moment, my words putting her a bit more at ease as she takes them at face value.

"That would be for the best, but if it's not then I already discussed with the King about options." I smile and adjust myself in the seat as she looks at me in confusion.

"Options?" I clear my throat and nod.

"Stuff like fostering any Sons you might birth in Dorne... or maybe the Vale, I was thinking possibly even Lys or Braavos as well." She blinks quickly before holding both hands on her stomach.

"The King approved of this?" She asks with a wounded voice and I wave a hand dismissively.

"I am not going to steal your baby, we are talking around the age of ten or so and letting the child foster until they reach their majority." I would prefer any Sons she births foster in Dorne but I am aware that might not come to pass, but I am certain the Vale would be approved, or maybe even the North... just not the Westerlands or Reach if I am honest.

She sighs in relief and her hands drop into her lap with a soft smile coming to her face.

"I see." I nod while standing up and leaving the chair where I dragged it to.

"I think you should write more to Rhaenyra if you want her to 'get over' what has happened even if you had no real choice in the matter. It might be unfair to you but the world is not fair and you have to roll with the punches, I am confident if your friendship was real then it can survive this." I purse my lips remembering the scowl on Aemmas face the last time Alicent came up. "Just don't try and reach out to the Queen... she hates you." I snort seeing Alicent slump and pout her lip.

"Thanks, Daeron." I nod as I turn to head for the door with an ache in my chest to cuddle with my Son and kiss my Wife.

I think this went well, hopefully, I won't have to kill anyone but I have steeled myself and given them a chance to avoid their death, if they don't take my kindness then I will have no mercy.


114 AC


Daemon Targaryen


"Trust you... that is what you said, right?" I ask Melisandre as she sits beside me at the feast hosted by one of my old friends.

"If you trust me you will gain much and reveal many threats to your family that would otherwise grow." She looks over at me with her blood-red eyes, a glint to them like never before. "You can leave anytime you want, but if you stay then you have to trust me if you want to make it out of this." I raise a brow as the festivities around us get louder, she looks back at the crowd... or rather the large fire pit in the middle with a big roaring flame in it.

"Trust." I mutter the word tasting it a little and wondering if I can even possibly do something of the sort, especially with this crazy bitch.

Knowing my Blood Wyrm is right outside and I could easily leave whenever I want I feel a desire to stay a bit longer. Not because I am trusting Melisandre but instead because I am trusting myself and my mount to keep myself safe. But I can not help but feel curious and want to seek out answers to what she is alluding to.

What threats?

I know this red witch has magic, what she has done for me proves that much, but is there any truth to her words about threats?

I will stay long enough to see for myself while staying ready to escape at a moment's notice.

Melisandre turns and watches the entrance as a large horn is dragged into the room and I can't help but raise a brow seeing it. Even in the poor lighting, I can see Valyrian words carved all over it and the sight of red stains speaks of a bloody past for the large object. Melisandre looks back at me and I can see she gazes once more in the direction of my Dragon and then back at me.

"If you cannot trust me, now is the time to leave." She almost seems uncertain when the words escape her mouth and I feel a chill for a moment as I look back at the horn.

I can't help but feel like I might have bumped into some new foul magic once more... ice demons and now some cursed fucking horn.

"Fuck it." I sigh as I rest my hand on the hilt of Dark Sister. "Let's see what they are up to." I stand which causes the Red Woman to stand along beside me with a small smile on her face.

Thanks for reading!!!

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