

A/N: Quick question! How do you guys feel about * Sound Effects * in a Fan Fic like this one?

I do them in my Viltrumite fic I am writing because I wanted the Comic book feel but I have really come to love its way of adding more to the scene and tried it out in this chapter... let me know what you think about it.


113 AC


Daeron Nymeros Martell


Lord Dayne welcoming us warmly is to be expected when we show up with dragons, but I know the man's son dislikes me. He was not even outside to greet us and in fact, I would not be surprised if he is not here at all. He likely heard we planned to make our stop here for a few days on our trip through Dorne ending in Sunspear and he probably jumped on the nearest ship to Essos.

I hope the Essosi kill him... not really but the man's disdain for me is something that rubs me wrong every time I have had the displeasure of being in the same room.

"It's beautiful." Rhaenyra comments as we stay in one of the highest rooms in the Palestone Sword Tower.

"Not as beautiful as my wife." I shamelessly compliment her making her scoff in feigned annoyance but her little smile tells the truth of how she is feeling.

"I am sure... is this how hot it gets because this is not completely unpleasant?" I shrug not really being the best judge of the heat, I grew up in it and was molded by it so I am unaffected by the beating sun.

Likely why we have the sun on our banner, we all grew up getting our asses kicked by the rays of the mighty sun until she hammered us into shape. Not that I will ever complain about it, the ass beating from the sun conditioned me to enjoy most places I visit. But I am sure when I pass the Neck and make it into the North I will change my mind. My sun dweller skin will betray me and my nuts just might freeze off... unless I find an easy way to warm them.

Casting a sly side eye to my wife who is still looking off the balcony I can't help but nod slowly having already located my 'warmer'.

* Knock Knock *

I turn to the door confused who it could be since we just got into the room to relax a bit but before I can speak up Rhaenyra enters the room from the balcony. She calls out and one of the guards sent months in advance that is loyal to House Targaryen's answers.

"Lord Dayne asked to see Prince Daeron in his Solar at his earliest convenience." The voice answers and I sigh willing my thoughts that were moments ago on bending my wife over to something more tame.

"Alright!" I respond just in case the message deliverer is still on standby but as I focus to try and hear someone walk away I get arms wrapped around my midsection.

"Let's make it quick." She whispers in a heated voice and I raise my eyebrows. "I saw you looking at me..." She responds in an equally fiery tone but trails off with breathlessness.

I lick my dry lips as I look back to the door even as my hands seek out her plush rear and grip it.

"I got time." I nod with a thoughtful look before ducking my head to take her lips earning a hum of contentment.


Walking back into the bedroom after knocking I know she will know it's me but I can still see the relief on her face when her eyes land on me and not an assassin. The only people walking straight in when we are 'guests' in someone else home but also higher rank than them are ourselves or someone bold with a blade.

"That was fast." She says unsure as she tilts her head and I shrug holding up a ravens message for her to look at.

"Check it out." I pass it to her and she unrolls it with a bit of confusion seeing the seal is from Sunspear.

"Myriah is on the way... shouldn't she have beaten the raven?" She even looks at the window almost expecting to see another dragon flying around but turns back to me failing to spot my Sister.

My Sister and her Friend but after my Brother and his Lover made an ass of themselves Rhaenyra might be rethinking her friendship. Which is not either of their faults and I have not asked for clarification recently but I would understand if I was in her shoes so I won't judge. I just hope the bridge can be mended since the both of them need a female friend of 'equal' status as Princesses and dragon riders.

It's a lonely world at the top both figuratively and literally.


113 AC


Saera Martell


"You really are a helpless boy my Son." I sigh hearing him confess what has been on his mind since he arrived for a 'visit'.

He approached his Brother and Good Sister and asked them something ridiculous without any warning. Just dropped by and asked my Eldest to give his seed over to impregnate his own Lady Wife and expected things to go well. Given if it was anything else Daeron would move mountains for his younger Brother but you can't just ask a Man and his Wife to do something like he is asking...

"I thought... I don't know." He sighs and slumps in his seat, I shake my head at my troubled little man.

His Lady Wife has spent the most time at Driftmark flying Vhagar since the marriage and when she is here in Sunspear or Bloodstone looking for her Husband he is uninterested. The poor girl didn't ask for any of this but will be thrust out there just like many others are... it must be hard to not just jump on her dragon and fly off. She could go anywhere with the great big beast she has and stake a claim or just build a home for herself. Every time I talk to her it's always about dragons or what living in the Red Keep was like back when I was younger.

She is Dragon Blooded through and through and when it hits her in a few years... the 'need' she will get I will be pitying her. She will have a hard time and I am sure things will brew like a storm but I can still hope for a good outcome.

"Just talk it out and accept any bad feelings Rhaenyra has toward you, make it easy for Daeron. He is the one who has to sleep with her every night and will rule one day beside her so he does not need you trying to stir up trouble." He nods with a defeated look and I grab his hands surprising him. "Let's go for a walk through the marketplaces, I have not strolled with you in quite some time." He seems even more surprised before a small smile spreads on his face and he nods eagerly.

I smile along with him, my sweet boy with all his problems.

Myriah also left to try and help clean up any mess but she heard about it before me, I just hope things are well. I will be more than a little upset if things break down because my Good Daughter thinks my Son is some kind of whore.


113 AC


Myriah Nymeros Martell


Walking beside Rhaenyra's arm looped with her arm she does not seem any different, and she never hides her emotions. She is all Fire and Blood and leaps into things with her heart on her sleeve, an easy book to read. Right now I am only seeing the same as ever before, my Good Sister and my Friend walking the gardens of Starfall with me.

I bite my tongue wanting to punch Lewyn in the face or maybe even his nuts but I resist the anger boiling inside of me. I had plans upon plans and slow steps to take all in place and it would have worked. I am confident I would have gotten to the point where I at least achieved what Lewyn tried to ask for but for myself.

Then he jumps head first because he is helplessly in love with my Good Brother and thought Daeron was the perfect fit for solving their 'situation'. He used a hammer when I already had a dagger tucked in my belt guiding Rhaenyra to where I wanted her.

That actually sounds really... bad now that I think about it.

"What's wrong Dear Sister?" Rhaenyra asks in a sweet voice making me want to roll my eyes now that I am seeing some of the fire coming, heart on her sleeve indeed.

"I was just wondering if my foolish Brother did any damage to our friendship by asking something... as he did." I don't want to be too dismissive of the idea in case she immediately agrees cutting off my path of advancement but I also do not want to seem like I am pushing for it.

A slow path forward is the only hope I have anymore.

"He did not... he just gave me a lot to think about." She replies with a surety to her voice that puts me at ease before my curiosity ignites hearing her later words.

"That is good, I would be wroth with him if he made you mad at me but I would spend the time to fix things. I enjoy the time we spend together from reading in the library to flying high above the clouds." She smiles and I can't help my own from growing remembering my time spent in Kingslanding.

"Worry not Good Sister, I am not mad at you or even Lewyn I am just... I was not sure how to react to such a request if I am honest." I don't speak and only give a small nod of the head in 'understanding' and she looks around us as if searching for something. "My first thought was to throw him to Syrax but I calmed down seeing he was not doing this... for bad reasons. He is the way he is and so is Laenor, they are both family to me in a way and I would want to help them with anything but it's hard to 'help' them in that way." I internally cringe wanting to chew Lewyn's ear off but keep my face neutral as Rhaenyra guides us both to a bench.

"That is understandable, I would be much the same way if I was requested the same thing." I would likely stab someone but I was raised to stab first and ask questions afterward, it is as Nymeria would have done it.

I shake my head throwing out old plans and bemoaning my luck, I should have seen this coming though. I could have talked to Lewyn and prevented this and even used his subtle help but now he is exposed in the open. His intentions are plain as day and I will have to work around that.

"so Laenor and you have not... you know?" She asks in a low voice while looking around hesitantly.

"No." I quickly answer not even caring if someone is listening to us since it is not exactly a secret the way I and Laenor both avoid one another. Not out of hate, we like each other well enough as individuals but not as lovers for our own reasons.

"I see." Rhaenyra responds before looking off at the flowing fountains and I can't help but hope things will work out the way I want.

I would rather not suffer in the shackle of a marriage I am in without at least getting the lover that I want. It works out anyway with the babes likely looking Dornish with some Dragon blood features which would look like what my babe with Laenor would look like. An engagement to My and 'Laenors' babe could be to one of Laena's so they still get Velaryon blood. Then there Child, my Grandchild could try for a marriage to the Iron Throne which would be Rhaenyras Grandchild satisfying the Sea Snakes ambition in a roundabout way.

There is a road ahead it just needs to be tread very carefully and with eyes wide open from now on. No more dumb brother sticking his dick in the wrong hole messing things up for me and making me take the long way around my goal.

Thanks for reading!!!

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