
Chapter 14 - Are You A Monk Or A Tank!?

[Earlier in the day, Hainuke Temple, Xinjiang]

In the westernmost region of China, Xinjiang, the culture is dominated by the Muslim Uyghur and Hui ethnic groups. However, amidst the bustling cities and vast deserts, there are still pockets of ancient Buddhist temples, remnants of a time long past. These temples are a rare sight in Xinjiang, a reminder of the diverse religious and cultural history that this region holds.

The Buddhist temples that still stand in Xinjiang are a testament to the rich history of the Silk Road and the influences that have shaped the region. They serve as a tranquil haven in a busy world, a place for reflection and contemplation.

Monk Shenzu sat cross-legged in the courtyard, basking in the warm sun. He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, clearing his mind of all thoughts. His fellow monks were scattered around the courtyard, some meditating, others engaged in quiet conversations. It was just another regular day for the monks of Hainuke Temple.

One of the younger monks approached him, smiling. "Good morning, Shenzu. How are you today?"

"I am well, thank you. And you?" Monk Shenzu replied.

"I am well too," the younger monk said. "I have been meditating on the teachings of the Buddha, and I am finding them very helpful in my daily life."

"That is good to hear," Shenzu said, smiling. "What have you been reading?"

"I have been studying the Four Noble Truths (Sì shèng dì, an excerpt from Buddhist scripture)," the younger monk said. "I find them very inspiring. They remind me that suffering is a natural part of life, but that we can overcome it through mindfulness and compassion."

Shenzu nodded. "Those are wise words," he said. "The Buddha taught that suffering is caused by our attachment to things that are impermanent. By letting go of our attachments and focusing on the present moment, we can find peace."

Another monk approached them, and they welcomed him warmly. They chatted for a while, discussing the various teachings of Buddhism and their applications in daily life. They spoke about the importance of cultivating compassion and the benefits of practicing meditation.

As the day went on, they attended various classes and lectures given by the head monk, discussing different aspects of Buddhist teachings. In the evening, they gathered in the courtyard for their martial arts training, where they worked on their forms and sparred with one another.

Afterward, as they were winding down, Monk Shenzu noticed a look of concern on the faces of his fellow monks. "What is troubling you?" he asked.

One of the monks spoke up. "I had a strange feeling while meditating earlier. It was like something was off, but I couldn't put my finger on it."

"I felt it too," another monk said. "Like something was brewing."

Monk Shenzu frowned. "We should be vigilant then," he said. "But let us not dwell on our fears. Remember the Buddha's teachings on impermanence. Everything is constantly changing. We must be ready to adapt and face whatever challenges come our way."


Jack, Takamura, and Ethan stood outside the Heinuke Temple, watching the monks as they went about their daily routines. They were trying their best to be inconspicuous, and blended into the night crowd that were looking to dine at the food stalls across the temple's street. The plan was to create a distraction using an illusion relic, allowing Connor and Yukie to sneak in and steal the Teapot of Eight Immortals.

"Are you sure about this, Ethan?" asked Takamura, his sharp eyes scanning the surroundings. "It seems risky."

Ethan sighed as he pretended to window shop at a souvenir shop. "I'm not 100% sure because this relic is an imitation piece, but we have to try. Quickly channel your energy into it and dump it near one of the gates. We've pre-programmed it with the designated illusion...so it should create a distraction long enough for Connor and Yukie."

Jack nodded in agreement. "I trust your judgement, Ethan. Let's do this, Takamura."

The trio walked along the temple's outer walls and within seconds, Takamura had dropped the Box of Horrors imitation relic on the ground near the temple's western walls. They quickly shuffled away with the crowd while the relic took a while to activate. In a matter of moments the relic shone with an eerie light and created a convincing image of Buddha in the sky.

As the illusion grew in size, the monks within the temple began to stir. The light from the torches flickered as they rushed towards the western gate, drawn by the divine presence they believed to be outside. Takamura's illusion had done its job, and the monks were completely absorbed by the spectacle before them. The monks gathered around, mesmerized by the sight, hands clasped together in reverie.

Once Connor and Yukie saw the sky shine up with a golden light, they knew it was their cue to make their move. Inside the temple, Connor and Yukie made their way through the winding corridors, doing their best to avoid detection. They knew that the relic was located in the central area, and they had a short window of time to retrieve it.

Their footsteps echoed through the halls as they drew nearer to their target, but their progress was halted when they heard the sound of approaching footsteps.

"Quick! Hide!" Connor wasted no time and grabbed Yukie, pulling her into one of the meditation rooms nearby. However, to their surprise, there was a muscular old monk meditating in the center of the room. Even in stillness, he radiates an aura of power and resilience, like a mountain that has weathered countless storms but still stands firm. Before they could react or say anything, the old monk spoke with in a chilling tone as he opened his eyes from the disturbance.

The old monk regarded them with a cold gaze. "You are trespassers...? You should not have come here."

The old monk had a weathered face, lines etched deep into his skin from a lifetime of contemplation and training. Despite his age, his eyes are sharp and piercing, and seem to hold a quiet intensity that speaks of a deep reservoir of inner strength.

"We are on a mission," said Connor, his voice calm but firm. "We mean you no harm."

"It matters not your purpose. If your intentions were good, you would have not sneaked in here," the old monk said as he stood up. And despite standing up being such a simple motion, he moved with a measured grace, a coiled energy to his movements that suggests he is ready to spring into action at a moment's notice. This put Connor and Yukie on high alert.

"Please, sir. We are only here to retrieve the Teapot of Eight Immortals. It is for a necessary cause..." Yukie stepped forward and tried her best to plead their case.

The monk stared off into the distance, as if sensing what is happening outside. His gaze hardened with a frown. "You claim to have a benevolent cause, yet utilize disgusting methods such as creating an apparition of the enlightened one to draw my juniors over there...?"

"Enough wasting words. Let us exchange fists," the old monk said, clapping his hands together, the bangles on his wrists glowing with a golden light.

Connor exchanged a look with Yukie and nodded. She took a step back as Connor flicked his hoodie back and took a battle ready pose.

"I will hold him here. You go after the teapot and get back to the others!"

Yukie understood the moment Connor looked at her earlier, and decided to trust in the ability of her colleague to handle the situation.

"Be careful...this monk isn't as simple as he seems," Yukie warned Connor as she slid the wooden door open and left the room.

The moment the doors were shut again signaled the beginning of the battle. Connor kicked off the ground and charged towards the old monk, who was surprisingly quick for his age. The monk moved with the precision of a seasoned warrior, his muscles taut with strength.

The two combatants circled each other, sizing up their opponent. Connor feinted a punch, but the old monk easily dodged it and countered with a quick jab to the ribs. Connor grunted in pain but didn't let it show on his face.

They exchanged blows, their fists connecting with a resounding thud. The old monk moved with a grace that belied his age, dodging and weaving like a seasoned fighter. Connor was surprised by the monk's agility and speed.

Connor channeled electrical energy from the Cloak of Elements into his fists and managed to land several critical hits on the old monk, but the monk barely seemed affected. He shook off the blows with ease, his body seeming to absorb the impact, to Connor's surprise.

"How...? Those punches should have had the same force as several stun guns," Connor thought to himself.

"You can't hurt me, child," the monk said, his voice deep and gravelly. "I've fought battles that would make your head spin. Your little tricks won't work on me."

Connor gritted his teeth, frustration boiling over. He tried to land a kick on the monk's ribs, but the old man blocked it with ease. He couldn't use fatal moves against the old monk, but he couldn't exactly drag the fight out too long either.

The battle continued on with Connor dodging the monk's heavy punches with grace and agility. He landed several more hits on the old monk, but the monk absorbed the blows like they were nothing. It was as if he was made of steel. It had finally occurred to Connor that the monk was utilizing some sort of relic that made this possible.

Connor began to feel the effects of the prolonged fight. His muscles ached, and sweat trickled down his forehead and back. His punches and kicks had barely any effect on the monk, who continued to advance relentlessly.

Connor cursed under his breath. He needed to think of something fast before he became too tired to defend himself. He backed away from the monk, giving himself some space to think.

"Give up and come quietly child. We will hand you to the authorities to handle..." the old monk said when Connor broke away to create some breathing space.

Out of frustration, Connor asked impatiently, "Are you a monk or a tank!?"
