
The Feast

(Kumo POV)

I have finally finished setting up the feast for Korosu and his crew. Based on their strength I knew they would be ok but that wasn't the problem. On a normal day they already eat way too much making it hard to serve them but now they want a feast. If the amount of food I give them isn't a feast then what is!

In order for them to be blown away by the feast I decided to start early I could just make food appear using my skill but then I would have nothing to do as I still don't have other customers.

I made the main course a what looks to be a boar that had to many growth hormones, and enough salad to fill a tub. I also made a special ale for them.


Name: Kenkō Ale

Rank: +A (hidden)

Effects: When the user drinks this ale they will loose all drowsiness and fatigue along with being given temporary regeneration, they will also gain a +1,000 health(-950). All lost limbs will regenerate (disabled) and all diseases and curses will be lifted (delay of three days)


I am quite proud of my little concoction I made up but it's a tad to OP. I had to dial back a lot of its benefits to make people not suspicious. I did keep the curse lifting effect but just delayed it that way no one can connect it to my drink.

I then waited the rest of the day for my only friends to make it. After as I was thinking that maybe I should actually leave the tavern and talk to some normal people I heard a knock at the door.

They then kicked the door down, which is an easy fix but I still wish they didn't. When they all came in with a smile on their faces it looked to be everyone which made me relieved. I might not be close to all of them but their still good people, I think. Then I saw Korosu who had a bandaged shoulder which luckily wasn't his dominant arm as that would hinder his rapier skills.

Good thing my special ale will fix him right up and bring their spirts even higher. With that in mind I said to them all "The Feast is cooked and the Ale is prepared so let's feast!" With a smile on their faces they stat down and started eating

They looked like they liked it and when people came up to me to tell me that the food was really good it filled me with glee.

"Never knew cats and a Demi cat have so much in common, Ha" Korosu said, which filled the bar with laughter.

At first I didn't understand what he meant until I realized I was purring unconsciously. I stopped it and blushed a little but they didn't notice as I am covered with fur. Guess I'm not used to being praised by other people in this new world. I need to be a little more careful, I never really thought I would have such a cat like habit.

In the end all that was left of the boar like-creature was bones and they ate all the salad. Everyone drank way too much of my Kenkō Ale an got drunk and passed out. All of them including Korosu had a smile on their face which is a good thing I suppose.

I didn't want to wake them so I let them sleep until sunrise to inform them that they had to leave so they could stay hidden. With that once again they left as quick as they came.

Wish they could stay longer, that is the way of the thief I guess.

Getting more popular which is a very good thing. Wonder when the action will start?

NonHuman_Lover1464creators' thoughts