

After hearing what Lucifer said to him, Arthur was in utter shock. So much so that he instantly woke up from his slumber. However this time, he got up from the ground instantly without having any trouble with the weights on him. Further more, he had unleashed a powerful aura which surrounded the entire island.

"What the hell is that?!" Yosel asked himself before coming out of his house to see what was causing all the pressure only to see Arthur woken from his slumber as he stood with a menacing aura. It was as if his eyes were covered in shadows as he stood up tall.

"Well, well, it seems you've finally decided to wake up," said Yosel to which Arthur simply glared back at him as if he was too strong for Yosel to even talk to him.

"Why are you so quiet? Do you think that you're too powerful to talk to me or something?" Yosel asked with a rather irritated tone before going into a battle stance.

Seeing this, Arthur took off his shirt and pants only to be left with blue shorts which seemed to be as light as a feather.

"So what? You want to test your strength against mine or something?" Yosel asked before rushing towards Arthur at top speeds before landing a kick directly at Arthur's chest. However Arthur didn't seem the slightest bit fazed by it. He simply stood there like nothing had happened. He had become an iron wall.

Since it was his turn to fight back, Arthur raised his right leg above Yosel's head and prepared to bring it down on him however Yosel quickly got out of the way as he could sense the power behind Arthur's legs. However Arthur simply didn't care and as such, he brought his foot down on the island, effectively splitting it in half.

"You're joking. Was he seriously going to attack me with that much force?" Yosel asked himself as he was concerned for his life.

"Although this is some very good progress, at this rate, I might be able to get him towards the desired power faster than I assumed. The only problem is when Lucifer will make his move," Yosel thought to himself as the two of them flew down from the island towards the surface of the world.

During this, Yosel simply used an easy spell to allow him to fly, as for Arthur, he didn't see a reason for him to fly, instead, he allowed himself to fall all the way down to the ground and crash land into the city that was below the island.

Instantly, Arthur's impact with the ground caused a small explosion which caused people to run away in fear as they believed that they were getting attacked. However after Arthur got up from the ground with a bored yawn, people were confused as to who he was.

"Who are you? Answer right now or we'll be forced to detain you," said a couple police officers which had been near the area after they had heard the explosion.

However instead of answering to them, Arthur just decided to scratch his body as he was stuck in the same position for 4 whole months.

"Sorry about that, he's with me," said Yosel as he landed on the ground in front of Arthur to protect him.

"Who are you supposed to be?" the police officers asked as they didn't recognize Yosel as he was not the same professional man he used to be. Over the past couple months, he allowed himself to relax and let go of all his responsibilities. However even so, someone from the group recognized him.

"Wait! Are you not the inspector?" one of the officers asked in horror as the inspector had been reported missing for the past couple months along with the giant general.

"That's me," said Yosel with an awkward laugh.

"Our apologies sir! We did not mean to offend you. We were only doing our jobs," said the officers as they bowed before Yosel as they didn't want to face his anger as they saw him as rather a strict man which he was however seemed to allow Arthur to do what he wanted due to his sheer potential to become the strongest sorcerer in all of history. Because of that, Arthur had the ability to do as he pleased.

"Don't be fooled! That man is a traitor!" a man with a blade instead of a gun said as he began to walk towards Yosel. The man seemed to be just a bit taller than Yosel and he was much more muscular while carrying a blade as long as a katana but double the width.

"Hello there, Zell, long time no see," said Yosel as he gave his friend a smile.

"You make me sick! How dare you kill one of our own," Zell said as he prepared to strike Yosel with his blade.

"Wait," said Yosel as he turned towards Arthur.

"Hey Arthur, would you like to practice against him? He's pretty strong so you can see how far you came along with your training," said Yosel before moving out of the way as he could see the intention in Arthur's eyes.

With just a single step, Arthur forced everyone except Yosel and Zell on their knees. Even Zell almost fell prey to Arthur's sheer will power however he remained calm and decided to battle against the person who caused Yosel to turn to the dark side.

"Die," said Zell as his disappeared from Arthur's line of sight and tried to strike him from the back in the most casual manner possible.

However right as Zell's blade made contact with Arthur's neck, the blade instantly broke and Zell was left dumbfounded at what had just happened before backing away in fear.

"Come on, the battle isn't over yet," said Arthur before he prepared to end the battle with a single attack.

"Tier 8 Spell: The Sun's Gift"

By raising just a single finger up towards the sky, Arthur created a ball of pure fire with surrounded the entire city which seeing that alone caused Zell to pass out in fear.
