
Multiple Players

A man ran across the river, splashing water everywhere upon him in the darkness of the night. He knew someone was following him, trying to kill him. The pale moon gave little light to see things during the night, but even then someone followed him.

"Don't come near me!" the man shouted as he ran. He didn't want to die and neither did he want to fight back. "Don't come near me."

His words were loud and urgent. He splashed through the river, trying to get to the grassland on the other side, but he slipped on something inside the water.

He had stepped into a deeper part of the river where the water came up to his chest and frantically started splashing around to get back up. He panicked and that didn't help him at all. 

By the time he managed to get back on his feet and treading water, he could hear splashes behind him from the person who followed him.

"Please, no!" the man shouted, but the other person didn't seem to want to hear him.
