
Make him happy, please.

I watched him jump away into the vast space until he was out of sight.

Letting out a sigh, I cut my gaze away from him as I pushed my focus over to the front door; my second time in his house. At least, he wasn't around which could only mean that I had a much better space to feel comfortable. Without any further ado, I used lazy steps to stroll over to the door and in the next second, the door was made open by me, only to the view of the elderly housekeeper to pop out. 

This time she dared to look at me in the eyes; after all Gabriel wasn't around to enforce his madness of taking the life another.

Her smile was huge while her eyes searched my face, almost seeming like she had wanted to see something that wasn't there.

"Are you truly her? The female master always talks about?" Of course, she would ask. 
