
Not a trace

Night didn't come quickly on the moonbase.

Although their star was quite far away, the crystals and the massive diamond planet kept the planet lit for a long time. And what's more, the crystals were somewhat luminescent, so even with the light from the star somewhat gone, the moonbase still didn't look anything resembling earthlike night. Just twilight.

"Are you worried about earth?" Rose asked.

"A little," Mihael said. 

Together, they watched the crystalline sky from the mansion roof. Leaning against the roof guardrail- just staring at the big orange sky.

Since this moon didn't really have much of an atmosphere on its own, the Dominicians had built a sort of dome as a sky, covering the whole base. It was somewhat clear, somewhat hex crystal like. It functioned like a sky, being all blue and stuff. And orange during the evening. There was no apparent night at this place, however, so it was going to remain orange till dawn the next day. 
