

Trees, fish, and mermaids.

And a lot of them.

Topless chests; the top portion, way too human, the bottom portion, way too fish.


Half fish, half human.

Their ears were long, longer than elves but rather blue, almost like fish skin just without the scales.

Meanwhile, their bottom portion did have scales; purple but refracting light in a colorful beautiful way.

Fine, thin, fair, beautiful; just like Al had always imagined!


They were staring-

At Al-

After all, there were about two dozen mermaids and they all were indeed women.


Some water.

And finally-

Something resembling a human. 

That fair, soft chest-

He just wanted to- he just wanted to bury his face in that- in that soft spot and relax and forget all this damn marriage thing!


Slightly dazed, Al moved forward-

Forward to the mermaid welcoming him in- arms spread-
