

The moonlight was bright, and it was such a perfect night if Vale just wanted to rest. However, he had to chase one of the Seven Deadly Sins that had remained in this Human Realm for some reason.

Thankfully, it didn't take long before the Sloth realized that it was going nowhere. Vale was actually just looking forward to finding other Seven Deadly Sins or other bases formed by them. This was the reason why he wasn't in such a rush to capture Sloth.

However, just a few kilometers outside the side, the evil being stopped and leaned on a huge tree on the road.

Sloth's appearance matched his sin: a bloated, grotesque devil with sagging jowls and eyes half-lidded. His obese form seemed to absorb the moonlight, casting a shadow that stretched across the road…

"I don't want to fight," Sloth rasped, wiping sweat from his brow. "I've barely eaten. You didn't even let me finish those Evil Spirits! You hate them anyway; you should've allowed me to feast peacefully."
