
Chapter 172 - Masochist

"I wish things on my end were as neatly wrapped as yours. My grandfather just about disowned me. It is making me concerned about how to move forward because I neither want to upset him or you."

Her voice was soft despite the anger laced in her words.

I yawned as I struggled to keep my eyes open. I had just gotten home from not only a very long flight but also a very long three days. Though I downplayed the situation to Celeste, in reality the war was much more vicious than I thought.

I never imagined getting caught up like that. Even though I too has access and means to this darker part of my family's history and connections, it did not mean I was a sadist to this lifestyle. And the way this was playing out, it was getting bloody and messy.

I learned by coincidence that one of my tattoo artists had a cousin who was involved. I was touching up a design on my shoulder when they got the news that their cousin was hurt.

My tattoo artist, Phoenix, was about midway through when their phone rang. "Oh shit not again. Sorry Dean my cousin is in the hospital he got shot up. Let me answer this phone call super fast. I should only be about five minutes." 

"No worries we can take a break. But is it cool for you to be here? Maybe you should go the hospital with your cousin?" I got up and grabbed a bottle of water to drink. I had come in on a whim prior to going to Spain with my family for the holidays.

"Nah it in a hospital in Spain. The idiot has been in a gang since he was a teen and we have been negging for him to leave. But I guess his boss is some nutcase who is on a trigger happy spree right now so even of he wanted to leave he can't."

My eyebrows had quipped a bit at that tidbit. "Oh really?" It did not take long to piece everything together. My gut told me to save this and it worked out in my favor. My instinct has not failed me yet.

So using that information I tracked the cousin down and we cut a deal. He was ranked higher in the gang than what was told to me in his file which explained why he would be punished so severely but kept alive.

Once I sorted that out in the same room I made the contract with my grandparents last I was here I just laid out the truth. If steam could come out of their ears that would have happened with how red my grandparents got.

"You promised." I waved the contract in the air and it was then they saw how crafty I was. 

"Eres un hijo de puta. Debería repudiarte por lo que nos hiciste. Somos una familia, no extraños al azar. Pero. Considerando lo que has hecho por nosotros ahora y el hecho de que me ataste las manos de esta manera... no me interpondré en tu camino por ahora. Pero será mejor que no lo pierdas de vista o actuaremos de una manera que no te agradará."

<"You motherfucker. I should disown you for what pulled on us. We are family not random strangers. But. Considering have done us now and the fact that tied my hands like this...I won't stand in your way now. But better lose sight or we will take action a like.">

It was a thinly veiled threat but I was confident I can keep up. 

"Celeste trust me I would have been more concerned if he had agreed right away. It would be a miracle if he had no reservations. The elders hold onto tradition like lifelines, so if you can handle it we can postpone the announcement for a few more days."

Her eyes which were dimmed from her sadness lit up and she looked less overwhelmed.

"Really? Are you sure?" She pulled the phone close to her face so all I could see was her eyes and the rims of her glasses. "Yeah helps me too because I am too jet lagged to be dealing with that bomb that will be that news." 

"Thank you Dean. Lets give it just four more days ok? I know I can't convince him overnight but I want him at least ok with the announcement. With him I have to work little by little." 

"Yeah that works for me." The fatigue from my lack of sleep for the past few days was now a speeding train about to run me over. "I will let you go so you can sleep ok? We can talk later. Night Dean, love you."

The phone shut off but I was already knocked out to notice.

It worked out to have a few more days as it gave our teams more days to stabilize the market so if there is any backlash it will not rock the boat too much. I was not worried about us sinking as at this point and with our capital, it will not happen.

What I was more concerned about was that if we did not stabilize the market prior then the workload would pile up and my time with Celeste would be cut short. So by doing the work ahead of time when things are not as precarious or volatile was for the best. 

It was a dreamless sleep and a deep one at that. By the time I woke up again nearly 14 hours had passed from when I arrived. Sleep that deep was equally refreshing and also painful. My body felt sore and heavy from not moving and being stationary for that long.

I glanced at my phone to see that my parents had left messages about checking in on my as well as a note from my secretary.

'I can confirm it was Felix Carter who had men tailing you.' "So you are a masochist huh?" No matter how many times I have retaliated against him he still comes back looking for more.

new chapter!

jklenacreators' thoughts