
Chapter 109 - The Threat

I have never felt more rage ever in my life than the moments after leaving the hospital.

After all the hassle to find her I was made a fool and even worse, in front of her father. I did not get a chance to formally meet her family, I was hoping to get around to it once she felt more comfortable with me but with all that happened it never came to be.

I did not anticipate Dean Cortez to be there much less to show up. He seemed disheveled but despite that he still got the upper hand on me. His strength was crazy, I nearly passed out from how hard he knocked me to the ground. His foot felt like heavy lead just pushing me from getting up. 

I am by no means a weak or small man, but he managed to be better than me. And that irritated me deeply. 

I ended up going home but when I tried to close my eyes to sleep all I could see was a replay of the nights events. I grew more horrified at what I saw. Celestes face had turned an ugly shade of blue as she gasped for air. She reached out for me for a split second before tumbling to the ground taking everything on the table with her.

And yet I still ran after the psycho instead. Her eyes were so wide from fear that it shook me even more. She was a very guarded person, it was not easy to tell what she was feeling or thinking as she masks it perfectly. But her eyes were so painfully honest in that moment. 

Like a deer caught in the headlights just in sheer shock and fear. As exhausted as I was sleep evaded me. So instead I just revisited what few reports I managed to collect on the woman. It was the only good thing to come out of it. Her name was Irene Peterson. According to what she was telling the police she has been in love with me since she saw me on TV.

I can't even recall what I was on TV for but she said when she saw me it was love at first sight. She was a young woman in her early twenties and had no remarkable background. Her family appeared normal which made me think was either untrue or she was having troubles elsewhere. After all in her letter she would ask for me to come and rescue her. I doubted she was in any actual danger but still if she was it would explain the delusion she experienced.

According to her confession, she worked odd jobs to get any information she could regarding myself. She happened to work in an airline company as a agent when she saw I purchased a ticket to come. She interned at a real estate company to find out where I bought property and worked at a boutique to get the clothes she wanted to run away with.

She was not a college student as she dropped out considering how much time the jobs took from her day. She learned of the reason for my trip and became scared I would abandon her. In her delusions Celeste was the temptress who would sweep in and steal me away.

She watched her movements like a hawk and wanted to get close but could not. She described Celeste as a princess guarded by high walls and dragons and knights. When she noted another mans increasing presence at her home she got even more angry.

How dare she treat me in such a way. Irene was in an elated high as I could be abandoned by Celeste and return to her, but she was also in an equally depressive low for my feelings were being messed with. 

She learned by accident that Celeste was allergic to caffeine. At her barista job, her coworker took of her gloves and replaced them with new ones to prepare a smoothie. That coworker shared the allergy and she had an idea. If she could get rid of her then she could have me to herself. And in my grief of losing a bride to be, I would accept anyone who asked.

She found a website that sold pure caffeine and acquired it. She found out about our meeting somehow and planned her attack. She snuck into the restaurant. Tracking me down by the reservation Celeste saved in her name. She stole a uniform and tampered with the drink.

She did not care if Celeste lived or died. She had already won as I ran to her and not to Celeste.

I thought reading the reports would make me feel better but the last part of her testimony washed me with another wave of shame. A painful reminder of where I failed. Based on what the head detective was thinking, she would likely be put into a facility as she could claim insanity in her trial. 

I was unsure of how I felt about that. A large part of me was angry at her skating by and not really face the consequences of her actions. I wanted her to suffer in prison and not be at peace like how she treated me. But a very small part of me knew that a mental facility was where she was supposed to go. It would still not be plesant but at least she would be contained and kept away from me.

Regarding the actual trial, in the morning she will have her hearing which will determine her bond and whether she stays in prison until her actual trial at a later date. That was all assuming she does not take a deal or in some upside world, she pleads guilty. 

No matter the result I have to stay longer as I would need to be ready when they summon me for my testimony. That woman knew just how to throw a wrench in my plans. I looked at my phone to see if I could contact Celeste myself but I wavered. The threat Dean Cortez made for me looming over my head. 

chapter 3/4! additional chapter will be relased later in the day.

jklenacreators' thoughts