
Her Greatest Concern.

"I knew she would be in here," Mrs. Wyatt said lowly as she walked into the nursery and met Arissa sleeping peacefully in a quilt.

She walked over to her sleeping daughter-in-law, dropped the tray of food on the floor, and sat beside her. Her hand moved up to Arissa's hair and she began to tenderly stroke her brown silky hair.

A smile broke out of her lip as she enjoyed pampering her daughter-in-law even in her sleep. It gladdened her heart so much.

Feeling a hand moving on her hair, Arissa slowly parted her eyes to the morning light. She raised her weak hand to her hair and placed it on the hand stroking her hair.

"Good morning dear," Mrs. Wyatt said with love when Arissa placed a hand in hers. Mrs. Wyatt turned her hand and held Arissa's hand protectively.

Arissa hummed in response and smiled. Mrs. Wyatt took the hair off Arissa's face and dropped a soft kiss on the side of Arissa's forehead.
