
They Wish.

Nicklaus smiled, "I don't know why. I just feel like it's the right gender to refer to the baby as," he explained. 

"Hmm," Arissa thinned her lips thoughtfully, "What if it's otherwise?" she asked, a soft smile at the end of her lips. 

Nicklaus shrugged his shoulders, "It doesn't matter but I know it would be a girl," he sounded so confident and he didn't know why. 

He showered her stomach with more kisses and said, "Princess_"

Arissa laughed and cut him off, "Princess? Isn't that name mine already?" she questioned, remembering there were times he referred to her with that title. 

"It is," Nicklaus chuckled and his brows ceased together, "Why? Jealous already?" he teased her, mentoring her emotions while he continued kissing his precious child 
