
In The Middle Of The Night.

The flowing wedding gown was beautiful. Everything was perfect, even nature smiled at them. Arissa smiled as she walked down the aisle holding hands with Mr. Stephen. 

She fixed her eyes strictly on Nicklaus and her smile turned more wide and more beautiful. It was her day, their day. 

Finally, the day of their wedding has arrived. The day she would finally make her wedding vows before God and man have arrived but everything changed when suddenly, the sound of a high-pitched scream escaped the lips of someone from the last row of the seat. 

Arissa turned in the direction of the scream in shock and when she saw what happened, her legs trembled and she tripled on her once-white but now bloodied gown. 

Right before her eyes, the bodies of the smiling faces who came to attend her official union with Nicklaus lay on the floor in the pool of their blood. 
