
Body, Soul, Mind, And Heart.

Nicklaus's breathing paused. 

His eyes darkened shades more and in the next second, his expression softened and his eyes went back to normal. 

Arissa who looked down at his hand did not realize the short emotionally troubled phase the man before her just went through. 

Nicklaus calmed down. He brought his hand to her face and caressed her soft skin with his long and lean fingers. 

She looked up at him, her eyes all bright and beautiful. Seeing that look in her eyes and how she looked at him, Nicklaus brushed his thumb across her lips and relished his heart in the sensation that she was with him. To him, that was an assurance that she would be his fully. Body, soul, mind, and heart. 

He stared down at his tattoos and her accuracy stunned him the more, "What do you mean? Why did you say freedom?" he pressed on so she would divulge deeper. 

What does she mean by what she just said? 
