
More About His Ex.

Arissa placed her hand on her lips to stop herself from sobbing when she heard a knock on her door. Her sobs came out as a whimper as she listened. 

"Arissa, it's me," she heard Mrs. Wyatt speaking when she refused to open her door even after a series of knocks. 

She released a low sigh, dried her tears, and stood straight. The knock resounded again and she cleared her throat before turning her door knob for Mrs. Wyatt to come in. 

"Dear Lord," Mrs. Wyatt breathed, walking further into the room, "Why are you crying? What do you cry for?"

Arissa sniffed and forced out a smile but sadly, it came out weird and ugly. She dried her eyes with her fingers and stopped her tears from pouring. 

Mrs. Wyatt used her fingers to dry Arissa's eyes, "You have no reason to cry and it's okay to feel the way you do because you are also human," she advised, coaxing Arissa to stop feeling any negative feelings she felt at the moment. 
