

"There you, place those there,"

"Yes ma'am," the maid answered with a smile as she placed the plate where her Mrs ordered her.

"And set the other sets here," she ordered softly again as she arranged the plates in her hand also.

The maids cheerfully drooped everything as ordered and soon, the dining table was filled and arranged with foods and drinks of various types as if there would be a mini-party in the next few minutes.

Mrs. Wyatt stood up as she scanned the table with mirth in her eyes for the job well done as she turned to the maids and smiled at them.

Apart from the benefit her husband would have from this marriage, she was genuinely happy with the fact that her son is now truly married to someone even if it was just for a while.

But even if for a while, she was personally sure of bringing them together on daily basis with all her might but not to the point of their discomfort.

"Is the room opposite Nicklaus's bedroom cleaned already?" she asked Rue, the closet maid to her and also, the head of the maids.

There are a hundred possibilities that Nicklaus would never want to share a room with someone apart from himself but that is okay. At least, they were just opposite each other and not at different houses.

"Yes Ma'am," Rue answered, and with a smile she asked, "When would she arrive Ma'am,"

Mrs. Wyatt chuckled, "You all want to meet her already?" she asked raising a brow at them with the same every that radiate from them.

"Yes Ma'am," they answered almost in unison.

"Then I guess we pray she arrives before Nicklaus because if he comes first, he would dismiss you all from the house," she said with an encouraging smile.

Nicklaus is always that way. No maids while he is around unless he sends for one and for the fact that he is hardly at home, it became easier for them because they come around most times and clean the place.

The maids face fell immediately.

"Don't give me that look Lyra," she said facing the youngest maid with a very smallish face, and with that smallish face, she gave Mrs. Wyatt her disapproved pout.

"How about you talk to him for us?" Lyra asked and with her smallish voice also, you would think she is still a teenager if not for her height and body stature but in reality, she is already in her late twenties.

Mrs. Wyatt smiled hearing her plea and looking at the remaining five maids, they also had the same appealing look except for Rue.

Rue is already in her early fifties so it is just normal that she is not overly interested as they are.

"I would do just that. Now, we just have to get ready and pray he comes home," she assured them.

Mrs. Wyatt is a very sweet and nice soul to the people closest to her so it is no surprise that she is this free with the maids.

"I would go upstairs right now," she said to the maids, and with a small nod from Rue, she walked towards the grand staircase and to the third floor where the new room is located alongside Nicklaus's room.


"Mother," Nicklaus's voice was dry as he spoke. He knew why she is calling and the annoying part of everything is the fact that he already said yes to returning today but she have already called him three times just this morning and now, she was calling again.

"Nicklaus, it's past three already. I was hoping you would call earlier but you didn't," her voice was a bit sad.

All the meals she arranged for his bride are all cold and now, he is also not yet back. Her husband cares less about the girl coming home.

Left for her husband alone, the girl can stay away and only come around for functional social activities where Nicklaus would need to flaunt his wife but for her, she wants more than flaunting.

In her power, she would wish for a relationship more than a business deal.

"I'm still busy," he answered straightly, "but I would make sure to keep my promise," Nicklaus added before his mother would bash him for his first reply.

"Okay then," she said dropping the issue but Nicklaus knew better than to abide by the rest in her voice.

The line disconnected and he rested back into his chair as he scanned the place. He was in a coffee shop close to his company and since it belongs to his company, he has a lot of privacy right now.

On a norm, it was usually his PA who come here to get his coffee but right now, he needs air out of his cage.

He came here for a little cakewalk since the whole office is becoming suffocating after staying in the re for days.

His wrist watch beeped and he immediately knew that his short walk is over. He dropped his mug on the table before he stood up after dropping his bill on the table.

He stood up immediately to leave the place but was transfixed, as his feet glued to the floor. His eyes tightened seeing who he just caught a glimpse of.

"It's her," he noted with a slight blink after taking in all of her features before she took a seat at the other part of the room where he can't see her again, he ruffled his hair before walking out of the coffee shop.
