

"Eh, do you think this is a child's game." Chen Jihyun sneered at Bogsu with other ministers nodding in approval to his words.

"Yes, Eunuch Chen is right this is not a child's game, it's war lives would be lost." A minister added.

"I don't think you are matured enough to be general of Chi nation." another butt in.

"You can't blame her though, she's probably an orphan that got picked up and reason with her fists not her brains." Chen Jihyun chided Bogsu who just stared at them then walked towards a pillar to lean on it giving a nonchalant look at them.

"Silence!!" Han Jisung ordered feeling an in ignorable tug in his heart as Bogsu was called an orphan, he couldn't resist silencing them even if Han Jisung felt they were right about Bogsu taking the war situation lightly, but he couldn't still stand anyone talking to her like that, but why.

Han Jiwoo felt a sting in her heart, watching the father she has always idolize protecting another person that was not her, Han Jiwoo had done a lot of this to get Han Jisung's attention, even going through rigorous training to become the best swordsman in Chi nation, but never has her father stood up for her this way.

"Father, I think the ministers are right, Bogsu should think about the aftermath of the war and also the people, we know the situation faced during the war 30 years ago." Han Jiwoo stated hoping for Han Jisung to scold Bogsu and hoping to make Bogsu feel bad about what she said earlier.

"You guys only lost the previous war because you did not have me, now that I am here it would be easy peasy." Bogsu shrugged like their words did not affect her at all.

"I didn't even want to come to this meeting in the first place, when you decide whether or not you want to go for war you know where to find me."Bogsu said walking out the door, making all the ministers mouth go agape as they had expected Han Jisung to take action at her.

Han Jiwoo stood fuming with rage because Bogsu had not paid any attention to her words and even walked out without Han Jisung doing anything about it, Han Jiwoo turned to face the throne, "Father, I wonder what you saw in Bogsu, the girl is too arrogant and doesn't even pay any respect to you, I can assure if you relive her of the general's position I would do my best to maintain a great work, if I become the new general." Han Jiwoo said hoping Han Jisung would reason her words and let Bogsu go.

"Yes, your Highness I think what the crown prince is saying is right, Bogsu has been proving too arrogant to control lately, you should relive her and make the crown prince the General instead, after all the crown prince is no less than Bogsu." Chen Jihyun supported Han Jiwoo earnestly earning the murmurs of acceptance from the other ministers in the court.

"Then why didn't the crown prince win against Bogsu In the fight." Han Jisung stated standing up immediately to leave as his robes swept the ground.

Han Jiwoo almost felt like rushing forward to stab Han Jisung with her sword as she clenched on the sheathe tightly, Han Jisung did not only support Bogsu he also demeaned Han Jiwoo making her feel very disappointed and annoyed at the same time, although Han Jiwoo has said it was only hate remaining in her heart for Han Jisung he was still her father after all.


Bogsu goes back to her chambers angrily, how dare they call her immature just she was blood thirsty, like they aren't worse in their closets, bunch of dimwits, Bogsu thought.

When Bogsu reached the chambers her frown deepened as she didn't see any of her maids, suspecting that they had been relieved of their position because of the wine incident, Bogsu marches back to the court room.

Han Jisung was just about reaching the door when Bogsu came in a flash standing before him.

"Where are my little bunnies?" Bogsu demanded angrily, annoyed at the fact that things weren't going her way that day, from one thing to another, arrrgh can't she just have a peaceful day.

The ministers looked at each other as they yet received another shock, Bogsu never seizes to amaze them, with the way she boldly talks to the Emperor, but wait what little bunny was she talking about.

"Bunnies?" Han Jisung questioned confused, the girl has never ending problems.

"Yes, my maids, I can't find them anywhere and I want them back." Bogsu demanded with a flared face like a child asking for his toy back.

"Such audacity." A minister exclaimed, they had all expected that Han Jisung would pay no heed to Bogsu as she was acting like an over pampered child but yet still.

"Alright, I would tell the guards to send them back." Han Jisung said with his voice becoming unknowingly gentle.

Han Jiwoo was unable to take the sight of her father pampering another that was not her, She walked out of the court with the hopes that she would be called back by Han Jisung to be scolded or even at least asked why she left but all Han Jiwoo felt was the heavy wind that blew her hair making it stick to her ears, Han Jiwoo tried to hold the tears that threatened to fall as she walked down the concrete palace stairs.

Han Jisung was a scum bag that doesn't deserve to be her Father and Bogsu was just here to steal her things and she would make her pay.

Then all of a sudden Han Jiwoo felt an idea pop into her head, they were going to war with an equally powerful nation and in that situation generals do die, then it wouldn't be a strange if Bogsu dies during the war, all Han Jiwoo needs to do is hire machineries to kill Bogsu and all the blame would go to the enemy not her, with that thought Han Jiwoo realized a cold smirk finally Bogsu end is near.

What do we say to Han Jiwoo (• •)

M_deecreators' thoughts