

Noticing Song Minhyun movement, Bogsu immediately raised her legs effortlessly revealing an anklet that hang loose on her ankle contrasting her fair skin.

Chen Jihyun was unable to react on time and before he knew it Song Minhyun has been knocked to the ground as her body grazed the floor causing a bit of dust to come up as she rolled over the ground.

Chen Jihyun took a peek at Bogsu before rushing to raise Song Minhyun up has she tried to dust her self, the bruises on her face due to the impact of the fall, had traces of blood in it, Song Minhyun felt the urge of rushing forward again but curtailed it as soon as she looked at the Stony ground afraid of being kicked again.

"How dare you disrespect the Royal Concubine like that, just because you got lucky to be promoted from a measly commoner to a general, His Majesty must hear of this." Chen Jihyun said trying to instill fear into the heart of Bogsu.

"Why would his Majesty care about me, I think his Majesty would be more concerned about why his Royal Concubine would escort a simple Eunuch as you to read an edict to a lowlife like me." Bogsu jested making Chen Jihyun and Song Minhyun back stiffen, if Bogsu tells the Emperor then there is no how they would not be investigated.

Song Minhyun and Chen Jihyun separated themselves as far as they could from each other avoiding Bogsu eyes.

"I came to apologize on behalf of his Majesty on what happened yesterday at your entitlement ceremony." Song Minhyun bowed secretly clenching her robes tight, not only did the Commoner push her, now she had to bow to her she must get her revenge.

"Oh really, but from what I understand of the Emperor, he never apologises even if he is wrong, so I would ask you one more time Song Minhyun, What are you doing here?" Bogsu said with her voice turning cold at the latter part.

"Bogsu!!" Lin Wei called out entering Bogsu's eyesight making her roll her eyes in disappointment, the man always interrupts her fun.

"Is this how you treat his Majesty messengers." Lin Wei questioned angrily purposefully addressing Song Minhyun and Chen Jihyun as Messengers, that is what they get for calling his students a commoner.

"I'm sorry for this, I did not teach her properly." Lin Wei added bowing to Chen Jihyun and Song Minhyun.

Seeing the man bowing to her Song Minhyun had a huge sense of achievement, looking at Bogsu before sneering, raising her head up high to signify her authority.

"Please join us for a cup of tea." Lin Wei invited them politely, annoyed by her Master's kindness Bogsu swiftly went to his pouch and took a wine bottle before walking away from them.

Chen Jihyun and Song Minhyun decided to have some tea in order to calm their nerves from the intensive shift of earlier.

They walked deeper into the bamboo forest till they reached a shed that stood at the middle looking shabby as the morning rays shone brightly on the roof made with a hay.

"This is a rather interesting house you live in." Song Minhyun commented not bothering to hide the disgust in her voice at all.

"I see my girl has messed up your clothes, please the wash is that way you could clean yourself up there." Lin Wei said Ignoring Song Minhyun words pointing towards the left side of the house that a small wooden compartment was built.

"I see you are a wine dealer." Chen Jihyun commented taking note of the Wine bottles that filled the entrance of the shed.

"Hmph." Lin Wei replied curtly.

After going in Song Minhyun came out from the was looking a little better, although some dirt still remained on her robe and the bruise mark was still there although very faint now, She silently cursed Bogsu in her mind for making her look like a mess.

Seeing Chen Jihyun was seated outside on a wooden chair with a table in front close to the Wine bottles Song Minhyun nose scrunched up in disgust.

After much hesitation, Song Minhyun headed forward to sit down only to find out it was quite comfortable than it seemed.

"At least, they have something good." Song Minhyun murmured.

"Lower your voice before you get us killed." Chen Jihyun cautioned afraid Lin Wei would hear them, he leaned closer to Song Minhyun who was opposite him.

"I don't understand why his Majesty would give a commoner great benefits like this, it's not fair also why are you being respectful to that lowlife I thought you said you would take her out yet you delivered an edict to her and even brought me along." Song Minhyun ranted angrily.

"Don't blame me, it was you that didn't get a complete information on the person you wanted me to get rid off, the commoner you are referring to is the Lady in red and with all the rumors about her I wasn't ready to die alone so I brought you along." Chen Jihyun said frankly.

Song Minhyun mouth couldn't even move as she heard his words, Bogsu was the lady in red.

"Oh my goodness, what have i done." Song Minhyun thought dreading Bogsu retaliation.

Then what Chen Jihyun said last started to sink in , he wasn't ready to die alone so he brought her along.

Glaring at Chen Jihyun fiercely Song Minhyun couldn't help but feel hurt, her lover of more than a decade was ready to give her up to die.

"How could you?" Song Minhyun questioned angrily.

"They say she is a demoness, I couldn't risk my life coming here alone, maybe if she saw you she would kill you steal your youth away and set me free." Chen Jihyun said shrugging.

"Then why did we agree to stay for tea, what if she comes back for my soul." Song Minhyun shaked terrified paying no heed to Chen Jihyun last words.

"So this what they say about me." Bogsu voice resounded behind them causing their backs to stiffen, they had not heard her footsteps nor her movements at all.

"I would like you to tell me more." Bogsu said with a cold smirk dancing on her red lips.

Lin Wei be like : How dare you call my disciple a commoner , it you and your own generations that are commoners.

Add to Library pretty please , and I would try to update as frequent as I can

M_deecreators' thoughts