
79.8 Rush

To both Mathilde and I's surprise, the two bolts of energy had managed to not only push through my flames, but also somehow gain ground despite our speed being faster than eighty kilometers per hour at this point. Already, I could see Herr Vektor's smug grin as he pointed his spear at us, his legs gliding across the ground like it was a fvcking skating rink.


"You will both have to do better than that. Don't you think, Dame Kosmisch?"


Reacting to the taunt, Mathilde quickly drew three arrows and shot them straight into the man's location. Small orbs of light flew through the air ready to skewer their targets, only to somehow get stonewalled as they all bounced off of whatever wind the man was using to defend himself.


"Really, Dame Kosmisch?" the man taunted. "Have you not learned enough during our spars?"



