
Chapter 246: Reinforcement From The Demon World

At the heart of a bustling city, a bard stood on a street corner, singing a ballad that had already become popular. "Raise your voice, let the world hear! Our heroes stood without fear. With swords and spells, they fought as one, until the battle's end was won."

In a small village inn, a group of travelers shared a meal and exchanged their thoughts on the recent events. "I had my doubts when I heard about these unknown creatures," one of them admitted, "but seeing how our defenders fought and won, I feel a renewed hope. We're stronger together."

As the news of the victory circulated, the Azure Continent was imbued with a renewed sense of purpose. The clash between the humans and the unknown creatures had been their first real test, and they had emerged victorious. The morale of the people soared, and their determination to defend their continent was unshakable.
