
Chapter 47

While Tyrion was coming to terms with the deaths of most of his immediate family members, mainly Jaime since Tywin and Cersei treated him horribly his whole life, Cyrus and the others had enacted his plans.

Cyrus was quickly able to kill most of the Good Masters, at least those that didn't submit. After seeing Dalaran showing up many knew they were outclassed and had no chance of victory. After he freed all the unsullied and other slaves he left with 15,000 newly freed unsullied who chose to stay and fight for the one who freed them. After giving instructions to the rest of Meereen he gave them the option to portal to one of the cities in the north to make a new life for themselves, or they could stay in an undefended city. Many of the previous slaves quickly chose to leave while most of the Good Masters stayed thinking they could quickly regain power, but a few of them knew there would be no chance and decided to leave. Dothraki would attack well before they could recover and since all the coffers were empty they wouldn't be able to buy more slaves in a short amount of time, or pay tribute for them to leave.

House Loraq led by its new head Hizdahr, his father was killed by the unsullied when he refused to yield, led his family thru the portal to Stormwind. He was happy to bend the knee, in fact he had tried to get his father too by telling him who Cyrus was, but his father thought too highly of himself and refused. So he decided to take what he could of his family and build a new name and trade, he had wanted to expand out to more than slaves anyway even before this and now he had a chance.

As Cyrus and his army marched south, Daenerys group was already starting their attack on Yunkai having the same success especially since they used their dragons in the assault. It also didn't help that Yunkai's main focus was bed slaves so they didn't have anywhere near as many unsullied. They were currently issuing orders and giving the newly freed slaves their options and were awaiting the arrival of Dalaran to leave for Astapor. They were no longer in a rush due to their combined armies, there wasn't much Astapor could do against them.

Everything ran smoothly and within a couple days Dalaran arrived at Yunkai and shifted the population that wanted to leave. However none of the Good Masters chose to leave, which they would later regret due to the fact that the Dothraki had been watching the entire attacks on both cities. In fact after seeing Dalaran many Dothraki had rode to Vaes Dothrak to notify the other khalasars of what they witnessed. After the Dosh Khaleen heard of a flying city they summoned all the Khals to tell them they have found the promised 'Stallion who Mounts the World' and they would need to submit to the wolf of Westeros.

Before this, many had thought that their promised Stallion would be a Dothraki, but the High Priestess as well as other Dosh Khaleen knew better. In fact many of the Dosh Khaleen weren't Dothraki themselves, they were made up of the widows to previous Khals who were killed. After their Khal was killed the new Khal would bring the Khals wife to live out her days in Vaes Dothrak in peace, they were highly respected and governed Vaes Dothrak.

So began a mass exodus to Astapor since they knew that was the next target. The Khals who didn't believe the Stallion would be outside the Dothraki people headed to Meereen and Yunkai to take advantage of the chaos to get more slaves to trade or get a large payday.

Just as predicted Astapor was greeted by Cyrus' army by the time word came from Meereen and when word of Yunkai hit they were even more terrified. They were all alone, had no other city they could ask for help since its two sister cities were already wiped out. They had requested assistance from the Sons of the Harpy who did join them but there weren't many left after Meereen was practically destroyed. Meereen was where the Harpy Sons were primarily stationed, so the only survivors were those out on missions.

Kraznys mo Nakloz and the other Good Masters of Astapor were at a loss at what to do, they did have quite a few unsullied there, much more than Yunkai. However they didn't have the numbers Meereen had, Meereen was the largest of the three cities. Even though they were run separately, the three cities worked very closely with one another. They would support each other against the Dothraki and any other troubles, there have been many Good Masters abducting some Noble so the three cities would stand together against any threats but they couldn't get help now.

Some felt they should just turn over the slaves and submit, others wanted to continue to fight till the end. They were just unsullied and slaves, they could always make more. Others after knowing the fate of the Good Masters in both cities, they much rather deal with Cyrus than the group that took out Yunkai. Daenerys seeing the conditions of many of the slaves had pretty much just attacked Yunkai rather than negotiate, she killed all the Good Masters within the city after she saw them training the bed slaves. The Good Masters had mistaken her for a bed slave and had offered to have her trained, needless to say that was the main reason dragons were used in the assault. Once Daenerys pulled out Drogo and began attacking the others went ahead and joined in.

By the time Daenerys group arrived in Astapor they had already submitted. Upon seeing all the slaves they now freed they knew the north was going to be able to improve greatly.

Alexstrasza even used her healing abilities on all the unsullied regrowing their manhood that had been removed, this increased their loyalty even further to the banner of the wolf. Many unsullied requested their own guild tabards Cyrus had created, he had combined the Stark sigil with Argent Crusade and Silver Hand sigils giving it a silver direwolf head with the Argent Crusade sun symbol combined with the silver fist for the background with golden yellow outlines for the Wolf head making it visibly distinct.

As Dalaran was being used to portal all of Astapor who were leaving, the Dothraki had sent a representative to Cyrus to request he meet with the Dosh Khaleen who had traveled outside of Vaes Dothrak to see him which was highly irregular. Usually once they arrived in Vaes Dothrak the Dosh Khaleen couldn't leave it.

Unsure of how to handle their request since he didn't know how to speak Dothraki, Daenerys had found a solution for him. While she was assisting the slaves she had come across one that was used by one of the Good Masters as a translator. She knew around nineteen different languages so upon finding that out had offered the young woman a place by her side.

Missandei gladly accepted and was more than happy to help those that freed her. Much like all the slaves, freedom was a foreign concept to them and thus why most of them just portaled to the north with no fuss, it would take time for them to get rid of the slave mentality. It was the reason Cyrus had instituted schools within his cities. He understood an educated mind can't be enslaved as easily, it was why the Citadel had tried to keep the general population uneducated. Easier to manipulate them into whatever you wanted if they weren't aware of anything.

After his meeting with the Dothraki and learning of their wish to join, he willingly accepted them after he informed them of the Lich King and the current war they were fighting. He wasn't going to hide it, they would find out anyway and rather be in the right mindset before than to be surprised by it later. That could easily lead to death on the battlefield. He was highly impressed by the lack of fear even after learning they would be fighting the undead and demons.

Upon completing the acceptance of the Dothraki horde Cyrus once again received another achievement granting him a few more cities.

[A Glorious Campaign] : You have successfully attacked and conquered a region in your name. Your budding Empire is on the rise. Four city deeds have been added and two instances can be chosen.

Within his inventory he found another four white land deeds and two pillars that looked exactly like the summoning stones that could be found outside dungeons or raids.

'Hell yeah! So that's what I'll need to do. Conquer Essos to slowly bring training and gear to the heroes under my command. Icecrown Citadel is already around obviously so I will really need to put some thought into it. Should I go with one below Icecrown and one above it or should I step it up and go with two above Icecrown? Doing that would limit their improvement in the beginning so probably should do two below Icecrown and when I conquer more I can get the higher ones. But then that would hinder myself. Although I don't need the gear I can still participate and help get the gear for others.' Cyrus pondered on which instances he should put in. As for cities he planned to build Orgrimmar, Exodar, Booty Bay and he planned to build Thunder Bluff beyond the wall. It would give a high vantage point and would allow easy signals back to the wall since you would be able to see the wall from atop Thunder Bluff. Plus it would be easily defendable with its steep cliffs. He had thought of Undercity but he felt that was just asking for trouble. Although Undercity was a very defendable city with an easy layout, it was the Forsaken Capital, so an undead city. Although not a part of the Scourge they were still undead and building an undead city for humans may not go over well, plus if the Scourge got their hands on it he would practically be handing them a perfect city for themselves.

Deciding that he would build Orgrimmar, Booty Bay here in Slavers Bay since it was a strategic location. It was pretty much in the middle of Essos giving him ease of access to the rest of Essos. He could have his armies spread from here to conquer large territories and with his portals their alliance with the Yellow Emperor could flourish even more. Plus when he found Thrall he could give him Orgrimmar to run.

Choosing the mountainous area to the northeast of Meereen near Khyzai Pass, Cyrus chose a perfect strategic spot for Orgrimmar which would allow the city to not only conquer the rest of the cities like Tolos, Elyria, Oros and Mantarys but would also be able to maintain them easily as well as manage the Red Wastes and Lhazar. He then built Booty Bay within Slavers Bay which would give trade and the ability to build ships in Essos.

As Cyrus is setting up his new cities back beyond the wall King Robert was dealing with a wave of undead enjoying himself to the fullest. He had found his calling, he never really wanted to be king. He just wanted to fight. He was getting just that, a fight with demons and the dead. As he and Barristan fought the horde, an aura of death began to permeate in the air around them, causing King Robert and the group to disengage quickly. Looking to the north a large Lich surrounded by swirling chains and a group of robed individuals came into view.

Instantly Barristan Selmy knew this was no regular enemy, moving in front of his king to best cover his retreat. Just as Barristan was about to order the retreat a cold raspy female voice could be heard from the Lich.

"You have found your way to me, Lady Deathwisper because you are among the few gifted with true vision in a world cursed with blindness. You can see through the fog that hangs over this world like a shroud, and grasp where true power lies. Fix your eyes upon your crude hands: the sinew, soft flesh and dark blood coursing within. A Weakness and crippling flaw... A joke played by the creators upon their own creations. The sooner you come to accept your condition as a defect, the sooner you will be able to find yourself in a position to transcend it. Through our Master, all things are possible. His power without limit, and his will unbending. Those who oppose him will be destroyed utterly, and those who serve wholly, unquestioningly, with utter devotion of mind and soul will be elevated to heights far beyond your kin." Seeing none of the adventures submitted, Lady Deathwisper sent her mobs to attack King Robert and his group.

"Show these intruders a taste of our Masters power!"
