
Chapter 138: Presenting a New Friend

Cracking his neck, Adryan heaved a sigh as he jumped into an alley well away from Wolf Troath.

'There are many escape routes and many others I can create if necessary...'

'I'll just confirm a few more things in these two days and I'll be all set...' Adryan thought calmly as he leaned against the wall.

The escape routes were ready, now it only remained to wait for the weekend for the robbery and attack.

But there was one thing that annoyed him.

The number of Beyonders that the gang had in its ranks had yet to be confirmed.

'It's quite a big gang so it's obvious they'll have a few Beyonders, but I doubt it'll be possible to find out who they are until the attack.' Adryan's red eyes sharpened.

In the first investigation, flying over the area of ​​the building with his spy pigeon, he hadn't managed to find any Beyonder with his Spirit Vision.

'They are likely in charge of the security of the tests and the security of Lacopa, their jobs would not be as basic as taking care of an empty building so they will only appear in the test.'

Lacopa is the name of the boss of Dead Shot. A chubby man with one eye bigger than the other.

'It will be very risky to enter without knowing what kind of Beyonders are in there, I have to assume that it may be several Sequence 9s, it is unlikely but I will not rule out Sequence 8s...'

'I'm a Pyromaniac but I can still die from a headshot so I have to be careful' he crossed his arms and began to tap his bicep.

The risk of entering a well-armed enemy's base with unknown Beyonders was quite great.

'With the artifacts I have on me plus Flora's help, if I do it right there won't be much risk but I prefer not to overestimate myself and not underestimate them'

In combat, the best thing you could do is to overestimate the enemy and underestimate yourself, so when the clash comes you won't be taken by surprise.

This is a golden rule he learn the hard way in his both lives.

'One slip and I'll have a bullet in my head so the best thing would be to have some extra lives' a sharp smile grew on the redhead's face, revealing his sharp canines.

It was time to talk with the glove~

Before he could continue planning the glove date, the sound of footsteps reached his ears, interrupting his train of thought.

Calmly, he turned his head and saw how a figure was approaching him from the other end of the alley.

From the figure it was a woman, she was dressed in a brown hooded robe and a simple mask.

Adryan smiled as he pushed away from the wall, the woman stopped a few feet from him, removed her mask, revealing her face, and gave a military salute.

"Sir! The letter was delivered!"

The woman's face was smooth, with slightly puffy cheeks and her hair a beautiful brown.

If someone from the modern era saw her, they would notice that she was almost identical to Elizabeth Olsen, the only difference being the woman's reddish-orange eyes.

Flora looked at the woman, she didn't know what to feel.

She watched as Adryan had summoned the soldier and instructed them or rather 'her' to go to a Beyonder Gathering to deliver a letter and try to get other things.

'He won't use these soldiers to relieve himself right? They are soldiers of his God so he wouldn't dare to do something so suicidal...'

The mere image that formed in her mind of such a scene sent a chill all through her body.

'I won't deal with this...' Flora calmly went back to sleep...

Adryan just nodded at the information with a smile under his mask.

'Now all I have to do is wait for the bell and I won't have to make any more altars~' the redhead thought happily as he asked.

"What about the formula or the ingredient?"

"No luck sir!" the woman said seriously, her gaze determined.

'I don't know what I expected...' Adryan wasn't disappointed by that, he just nodded.

"Good job soldier, you can rest!" he said as he raised his left arm towards the woman.

"Sir, yes Sir!" The woman responded and lowering her right arm, she took from her robe a large money sash and handed it to Adryan who stuffed it into a pocket of his jacket.

She then closed her eyes and began to decompose into golden dust.

This golden dust flew up to Adryan's outstretched arm and melted into it, as the last bit of golden dust melted onto Adryan's arm a tattoo was formed.

It has the simple shape of a woman.

Adryan concentrated and feeling the connection to the tattoo, he changed the soldier's settings and the tattoo took the shape of a simple bird.

' It was foolish to think that at the gathering of Teacher Isengard I could get something but it would be more foolish not to try. Now I only have Mr. A's party left on Friday and the Hermits of Fate gathering to try to get the Eye, and that's considering that Alger doesn't fail to obtain the Brain...' the redhead thought seriously as he began to walk.

There was just under half left to fully digest the Pyromaniac potion...

If these three circles failed he would have no choice but to hunt down Bakerland.

Adryan sighed as he continued on his way home.

He had a special date with a certain glove inside a beautiful city...


Taking off his worker's shirt and spreading it over the chair, Adryan was left with his torso bare, and without putting on a shirt he raised a wall of spirituality and began to prepare the ritual to sacrifice something to himself.

'I'm sick in the head...' Flora thought resignedly without taking her eyes off Adryan's juicy pecs.

Flora had just woken up but she remained silent without disturbing the redhead, all she did was appreciate the sight of the man's large and smooth pecs...

'This is your fault Rose! Your weird taste infected me!!' she thought annoyed but still didn't take her eyes off the cake...

Adryan unknown of what Flora was thinking, formed a small fireball that began to light the red candles and while it lit them, he took out the Burnt Band from his pocket and placed it in front of the symbol.

Kneeling, he lowered his head, clasped his hands, and prayed in Ancient Hermes.

"The Scarlet Monarch that burns depravity;

You are the Calamity of the Old Days;

You are the closest to the Oldest One."

"Your devoted servant prays for your attention;

I pray for you to take this offering;

I pray for you to open the gates to your Kingdom"

Distant murmurs reached his ears and Adryan began to form the sphere of light in his mind.


Opening his eyes he found himself back in the outskirts of the City of Calamities.

Looking to his side he saw the familiar pulsating flame, extending his spirituality to this flame it grew to form the gate of flames.

He could see himself kneeling and in front of him the Burnt Band.

He used the control he had and made the Burnt Band come through the door and float into his hand.

Feeling the familiar burnt texture on his hands brought a sweet smile to Adryan's face.

"I'd like to introduce you to someone if it's not too much trouble." Adryan spoke like a gentleman talking to a lady, he gently closed his hand with the band and placed it behind his back.

He extended his free hand gracefully to where he kept his things.

The smoke billowed and the familiar glove appeared.

He floated the glove to his outstretched hand and grabbed it.

Looking at the glove he saw how all the masks were crying.

And upon coming into contact with Adryan's left hand, they began to cry illusory tears, entering a loud cry.

The glove showed its clear disgust at the one who had hurt it.

At this, Adryan smiled sweetly and began to gently caress the faces of the glove with his finger.

"I am very sorry for the way I behaved last time, I hope within you you find the heart to forgive me" The softness with which he spoke conveyed true regret and it seemed that the glove could also feel it since the masks stopped releasing illusory tears but continued crying.

The glove had calmed down a bit but still showed distrust.

Adryan kept stroking his finger over the glove as he spoke very softly.

"I promise to treat you better from now on, I will never hurt you again"

"I can even take you to a circus what do you think?" A soft smile formed on Adryan's face.

The masks stopped crying and some even began to smile slowly.

The glove looked happy and even seemed like it was finally opening up to the redhead!

At this Adryan chuckled softly, still stroking the glove with his finger.

"Thank you for forgiving me little one, to commemorate our new friendship I would like to introduce you to someone"

More glove masks began to smile at the redhead's words.

A new friend? That was someone they could show new tricks to!

The bad man had changed!!

Adryan smiled sweetly at this and revealed what was hidden behind his back.

"I'd like to introduce you to the Burnt Band, a good friend of mine."

Seeing the black band, the masks that were smiling before now had expressions of pure horror.

"I hope you two get along~" Adryan spoke sweetly, his red eyes shining evil.


I want to add in this part that I change the Honorific Name of Adryan.

You were right.

The previous name was flat, bland, and too simple.

It didn't represent a God.

So here is the new Honorific Name and I hope it is more suitable If not I have no problem changing it again.

<The Scarlet Monarch that burned depravity;

The Calamity of the Old Days;

The closest to the Oldest One>
