

Brie fought him off.”I'm not going anywhere with you.”

“Touche..but you don't have a choice.Unless of course you want me to give my men the go ahead and kill your sister but not before they had their fun.”He bent down to her level.”I can tell you now they just dying to fuck and tear that tight pussy of hers a part.”She slapped the hand away that trailed down her cheek.

“Don't touch me you sick fuck.”

That evil grin grew broader.”Feisty...rest assured I like it when they put up a fight.Makes it more fun.”

“It will be a cold day in hell before I let you touch me.”She received another blow to the head which this one rendered her unconscious.

“Fuck!fuck!fuck!”Giovanni cursed hitting a hole in the wall.

“Boss...”Rocco called from behind his office door.”Is it safe to come in.”

Gio’s gaze traveled around his office, he's torn the whole damn place a part after Lorenzo had sent him a picture of Brielle unconscious.He's beyond pissed all he wants is blood,he's in no mood for small talk or anyone's bullshit.”Where the fuck is Marco!?”He demanded angrily.

‘On his way Capo.”He heard.

‘Get everyone ready.Any update.”He is restlessly pacing his office floor.

“Yes.They are at the apartment.”

That made him stop in his tracks and swung open his door on cue the rest of the guys trail behind each other.”You better give me something or someone is about to die.”

“Whoa...Capo..easy on the killing-....”Santino began.

“Shut up!Tino!I'm in no mood for your shit.Update Rocco.”The ringing of his cell cut Rocco off.”What!”He literally yelled down the line.

Lorenzo laughed that devious laugh of his it only pissed him off further.”Oh Valetti...it's finally nice to have something that can bring you to your knees. I'm sure by now you must have torn the whole place apart.”

“What the fuck do you want Alessi?”He said in a cold tone.

“Nothing,just wanted to show you how easy it is to get to the people you care about.It wasn't very smart of you to plant her in my company but luckily she wasn't dealing with any important documents.”

“Where the fuck is she Lorenzo,I swear if one hair is out of place I'm gonna rip you apart and feed you to my dogs then I'll keep your head as a trophy.”

“Keep on dreaming Giovanni.I must say you have a fine puttana,I wouldn't mind tasting her pussy after all she’s a hot one,feisty too.Maybe her and I should have a little fun.Don’t you think Valetti after all it's the perfect price to pay for placing her in my company.”

“Don’t you fucking touch her Lorenzo.”He warned.

“Ciao...Valetti I have a date with a beautiful red head.”After hearing Lorenzo's sickening laugh he threw his phone up against the wall.

“Let's move out now.”He said,taking his guns.

“Just us.”Santino asked.’What about the other guys.”

“There's no time to wait for them,it's only us unless of course you're afraid of Lorenzo's men.”

“But he just-....”

“I know Lorenzo if they really are at the apartment he isn't there he wouldn't expose himself like that and we all know how fucked up his men is.They have a tendency of raping women and children. We better move now and once we get back someone better explain to me how the hell he found out about her or one of you will lose your dick.”

“Shit I hate it when he talks like this.”Santino muttered.”I very much need my dick.For sexual purposes of course.”

“Then you better know how Lorenzo found out about her.”Rocco said next to him,Santino noticed the smirk on his face.

“You'd just love to see my dick get cut off because we all know mine is bigger than yours that's why I have the most figas between us.”

Rocco's smirk turn into a laugh.”Are you sure that's the only reason or maybe you trying to compensate for something else.”

“Fuck off Rocco.”He said.”Before I shove my gun down your throat.”

“Ooh I'm so scared.”

“Will you two shut and get a move on.”Gio told them.”I don’t have time for your bickering.”

“What's the plan Capo.”Marcelo asked.

“Corner Lorenzo's men and get Brielle,Arielle and the twins to safety.Rocco that would be your job the rest will follow me.”

“I always miss out on the action.”Rocco complained.

“It's because I trust you the most.”Gio told him before they headed inside.

Brielle slowly opened her eyes ,she blinked several times before she regained her bearings she notice she’s back at the apartment the last thing she remembers is Mr Alessi knocking her out in his office but not before showing her a video of Ari being tied up and beaten.”Arielle..”She murmured softly.

“Look who finally decided to wake up,sleeping beauty.”Brie lifted her head to see a huge guy standing in front of her.Those cold eyes stared her down,tattoos covered his face and he had piercings on his lips and eyebrows.Gosh if she sees anymore tattoos she'll surely faint.”We were just about to start the fun without you.But good that you're awake so you can see what we gonna do to you too.”

The twins she thought.Oh her babies where are they.She scanned the apartment and saw Ari lying on the floor bruised and battered she tried to get up and help but her hands were tied.”Let me go.” She said.

“No can do sweetness.You just sit still and enjoy the view.”She saw another man walk over to Ari and grabbed her by the hair before throwing her on the couch.Her sister screamed out in pain.

“Leave her alone you asshole.”She shouted at him but he only smirked at her and kept on advancing towards Ari,next he slapped her across the face and ripped of her t shirt.She watched as her sister fought the guy but he was so huge another guy came and held her down while the first guy continued to remove her clothes.

“We gonna have so much fun.”They all laughed it's then she notice about five other guys,in total they are seven.How the hell are they gonna fend off seven guys and where are the twins.

‘Brielle!”Ari screamed.”Get off me.”She screamed at the guy but he proceeded to unbuckle his belt and zip down his pants.

“Keep on struggling you whore,it turns me on even more.”He said.

Brie’s eyes filled with tears she’s not about to watch her sister get gang raped she has to do something an idea popped into her head. ”Have me.”She blurted out.

That made him stop from removing Ari’s underwear.”You'll get your turn.”

“No!”She shouted.”I wanna go first.I’ll suck you off..all of you.I’ll do whatever you want.Please just let her go.She can't take it anymore.” Arielle look like she’s about to pass out from all the beatings she got,Brie can see she’s fading and she'll be damn if any of these bastards touch her sister.

“Brie no...”Ari said tears streaming down her cheeks.”Don’t do this sis.”She begged.”They'll tear you apart please no.....”

“Listen to me I’ll be okay.”Brie tried to convince her.

‘Brielle-...’A loud slap rang throughout the apartment,she saw Ari lying unconscious on the couch.

“Ari...”She called out.”Arielle...”Still she got no answer.The second they untied her she rushed over to her sister and checked if she was okay.”Arielle..wake up.”Brie checked her pulse and thankfully it’s beating.Taking of her jacket she covered her best as she could.

She hissed in pain when she felt her hair being pulled.What is it with these guys and pulling her God damn hair.She’s beginning to have a headache.”Come on.It’s time to do what you promised.Pity your sister dearest is unconscious she’s going to miss all the fun.”

“Please you don’t have to do this.”She pleaded with them.”I won't say a word if you just go and leave us alone.”

“No can do.Boss said we should sent a message to the Valetti brothers,so that they won't ever think of infiltrating our organization again.”

Valetti brothers?Who are they?Brie wondered.”What are you talking about. Valetti brothers.Who the hell are they and what's that got to do with us.”

“Capo said she'll play dumb.She's clever this one.”She heard another say.

“On your knees.”Mr muscle man said.

“Let me go first.It’s been a while since I got a blow job.”Another jumped in.

“Where's my kids.”She asked amidst their fighting.
