
Chapter 317 DITCHERS 1

          I got up the next day when our usual morning alarm rang directly in my ears, "Mama, mummy muuuummyyyy." She kept whispering and whispering even wet my cheek with her tongue, and giggled when I got up. "Good morning mummy." They all sang when they noticed I got up hugging me even as they kissed around my face with their little lips. I was still yet to understand how three years olds behave like adults, I was still wondering if it's just my kids or if it happens to everyone else.

          I finally escaped from their grip only to see our bedroom in chaos, they turned the entire place upside down destroying everything in the room. The flower vases, little glass designs, side lamps, and many more were all shattered on the floor. I didn't know when this three turned into weapons of destruction, "What did you do? You destroyed this room." I got off the bed and as usual, their index fingers were placed in their mouth and their heads down. This is me now, and I'm getting used to this life. "Where's your father?"

            "Daddy left, he_ he said." Kyle stopped talking trying to remember what his father said, or he didn't even know what to say anymore. "Have you had your bath?" They all shook their heads, "Alright sit here and wait for me, if you move I'll spank you." I stepped into the bathroom for a quick bath, the quickest I've had in my entire life cause I had no idea what next they'd do in my absence. Tying a towel around my body, I stepped into the closet and got dressed, in Alex's shirt to be precise. I didn't even bother drying my hair as I stepped back into the room to see them in the same position I left them.

           I sighed in relief and led them out of the bedroom. We headed back to their room for their bath, which took some time but I was done scrubbing. Cleaning the kids was meant to be I and Alex's responsibility, but I had zero idea where he was gone to at the moment. We were meant to leave Greece today for the upcoming family meeting concerning Avery's failed wedding. I was fed up with it, and I had no intentions of attending, and I hoped Alex doesn't go too.

          We headed to the dining room for breakfast since the housekeeper already made some, when Alex stepped in with a pessimistic expression, which was quickly washed off when he heard the voice of the kids call. 

           "Papa, daddy, dada." They called while they ate their food, one thing that upsets them these days is someone else spoon-feeding them. They cry and get upset about it, so we rather just let them mess the table up and eat a little amount of the food, it's all part of the process. He only rubbed their heads one after another and sat at the table to eat, his actions gave off everything, I wondered what must have happened to him.

          He appeared to be unusually quiet not just to me but also to the kids for the first time, "Where have you been Alex?" I seized the opportunity to ask, wondering what must have happened. "Nowhere, in particular, we're leaving for Dubai in a few minutes so get ready, and please don't pack anything." He smiled. I was happy we were ditching our family meeting concerning Avery and her love life, but I don't know what Alex has in mind and why he's acting all weird. 

          "You know we have a family meeting today." "F**k that." "Alex, language." He pursed his lips into a thin line, staring at our little monsters who were already smiling at him. "Leah." Alex called, for her to focus back on her food, "I'm sorry sir." She said carefully separating the vegetables from her food. "Kyle and Alex." He called them both and they acted like nothing happened, chewing their food with full concentration. It was amusing seeing them all act this way, they loved their father and at the same time respected him and I just had to smile at their act.

          We all left the villa once we were done with breakfast and headed for the jet terminal. Everyone was in their .big sweater and which pants, as the year is coming to an end, so was the weather getting so cold. I helped lead fix her thick gloves arranging her cap very well on her head, her white skin had turned red from cold. "We both didn't let their feet touch the ground as we carried them into the jet and took our positions.

        Mid air, after their endless plays and giggling with their father, I watched them all sleep together, the children took their position on their father's body, holding him as they slept together. There is nothing sweeter and more important than family, and this little family of mine is the best gift I could ask for. I felt blessed seeing them together that had me almost tearing. We've come a long way in our craziness, a lot has happened along the line, from father to aunt Amelia to Delaney which I know I'll never see again, and many more that I have little idea of.

          I'm grateful we didn't lose more than we did, just the people that deserved it, except of course Delaney. "Let's get them to lay on the bed now they're asleep." I heard Alex's voice which startled me and I quickly cleaned the tears at the corners of my eyes. Damn this man, why does he always have to see the most embarrassing part of me? What's he going to tag this one now? "Emotional Hazel".

           "You cry at everything, you should be given an award for crying." He remarked with a smile, "What's going to be the title of your documentary if we eventually make one?, Ah," He clapped, "Documentary of Alexander's crying wife Hazel Wilson." Alex teased which was so annoying, I really can't tell when he got this annoying but I ignored him and only picked Kyle up carefully. There is no way I would be exchanging words with Alex, he'd only win again. Alex trailed behind me with the other two in his hands, we both laid them on the bed.
