
Chapter 256 Vacation 2

     Being an overly protective lover was one of Alex's best qualities, he was trying to make out with his wife and would appreciate it if no one gets in the way. He doesn't know where he's met or seen that woman before, but she's the last thing he wanted to see right now.


       I stared at Alex in disbelief, seeing Genevieve I suddenly wanted to go back home and speak to mum, but if I couldn't then it will be best to pass a message through her to mother that I'm okay and doing fine. It wasn't bad he sent her away though, I didn't like the way she stared at my Alex.

     "What would you like us to do, while we're here ?" He asked. I had no idea what I wanted, all that was on my mind was asking Genevieve about mum and dad. I wanted them to know I was okay and had been properly taken care of.

      It's not like anyone could save me from the hands of Alex, and deep down I know I don't want to get saved by anyone. My mind wants to stay with this man right here, just seeing him daily is enough for me. "I don't know, I haven't thought of anything." 

     "Finish up I have a surprise for you." I got excited by his words, which had me eating pretty fast. Faster than I've eaten before. "Aren't you ashamed I'm embarrassing you?" He wiped my lips with a napkin, "You should have told me you were this hungry babe."

      "Just make sure not to puke this time." He added. I knew he hasn't forgiven me for puking in him, it isn't my fault the butler's Cologne was that bad. Thinking about it again, I felt like puking.

     I didn't mind the eyes gaping at us, I was as excited as a baby who just got candy cause of the surprise waiting for me. I haven't had much to eat since last night and arguing with Alex got me pretty hungry.

   "Not to sound desperate Alex, what surprises do you have for me?" "It's not going to be a surprise if I tell you about it." I frowned. His words were upsetting, he's made me so desperate only to say nothing. I don't care if the surprise is ruined, I list want to know.....

     "You've already seen your surprise baby, in fact, you're in your surprise." Alex's words were kind of tricky which had me gazing around. "Surprise?" I whispered gazing around but any possible surprise, but saw nothing.

      Is this restaurant the surprise? What do I know about owning a restaurant? I just didn't know what to say anything so as not to sound rude, and unappreciative. If Alex got me a restaurant, it's not a bad thing, right?

       We left the restaurant after lunch and over to a helipad that held a Black helicopter. It's been so long since I got into one of these, I must say since my wedding. I held onto Alex's hands as he helped me in. At first, I thought this helicopter was a surprise, but it turns out it isn't.

       "We got high into the air and I could already feel my Tommy churn, maybe cause of my babies or the excess food I had. " Your bridal shower's next week and I decided to get you a gift, this is the surprise I had for you." He said.

      With furrowed brows, I turned my gaze around still yet to know what he was talking about. Maybe I was right, this helicopter is his gift. "Look down." I heard him say and I followed his gaze down to the floor but still found nothing. 

       "Alex held my waist firmly, his reason was so I don't get carried away by the wind. " This island is yours, my sweetheart." His hot breath made me shudder. Maybe I just didn't get what he said or maybe I heard wrong. I met his gaze, staring right into those eyes, "What did you say?"

     Alex smooched my lips lightly, "You've made me a happy and fulfilled man Hazel. And for that, this is my gift for you. Your private island does whatever you want with it." I hugged him tightly. This was too much, he could get a car, a mansion or any other thing any man would get his wife. An Island........

      We got out of the helicopter which landed safely at the helipad at home. I still couldn't believe what just happened, but all I knew right now was that I wanted to puke cause of the dizziness I felt.

      I clutched onto Alex's shirt and puked on him, damn it was nasty. Even I couldn't look at him. "Finish these up." He ordered the man standing next to us. "Come here let's get us cleaned up." "I'm sorry." He held my wrist without another word and took me back into the penthouse.

      I puked on him the previous day, and today I'm still puking on him, it's like his body jas become a dumping ground to my vomits.

      "We both got into the bathroom with Alex taking off his clothes which I helped him with. He threw his shirt into the waste bin, pulling mine too as we got under the shower.

       This felt like de javu, only that we were not fully naked together. It reminded me of Falcon, the day one of those kids puked on him. I didn't know when I chuckled and laughed out loudly, " What's so amusing, that you puked on me again?" Alex's words brought me back to reality and I met his gaze.

     Alex had no idea I wasn't mocking or even thinking about him. I really miss those genuine days with Falcon, maybe things would have been a lot better if he wasn't in love with me, or wanted to desperately get married to me.

       "No no, that's not what I meant, I thought of Falcon and all...." I stopped talking when I noticed the frown on his face.
