
Chapter 197 A Dark Party 4

   The same room, the same feeling from before only that this time, I was more broken. I was tired of fighting for myself. All my hopes we're shattered into million pieces, there was no escape from this turture.

  I wouldn't be surprised if he kills me. I was tired of crying, tired of going through the same turture over and over again not knowing when all this will end.

  I still could not believe what he said. There was no way I belonged to this man, right? I swear I would hig Dad hard the next time I see him for doing this to me. How dare he? This sufferings, this turturing, are all bacause of him.

  I was fine before, I never asked for his help in the first place. I was fine with him leaving us behind, even if most times I did miss him genuinely. Now I thought of everything, I was stupid to miss him.

   I dragged myself back on the bed after hitting the door for the one thousand times. I could feel my palms aching from the aggressive hitting. Why would Alex lock me up in here? Just why was he doing all these things to me? I wouldn't try to escape if he didn't try to rape me. I still couldn't believe how things turned from him apologizing to me getting punished.

   I've stayed in this hell called a room for more than a day now. I guess cause I could no longer tell when it's day or night. 

  "Breakfast is served Madam, master wants you in the formal dinning room!" The butler stepped into the room for his morning routine. "How many days have I been in here?" "Since last night madam, do you need anything?" "No"

  I stepped into the bathroom to have my bath. It was wierd finding out Alex didn't really lock me up in here like before. So then why did he walk out on me banging the door really hard? I thought as I walked into the bathroom.

I took my bath and got into the closet. I was still tempted to wear his clothes seeing how they were neatly arranged at his section. The sweet memories of Alex dolling me up especially with his clothes popped into my head and I smiled. No matter how had I protested, he wouldn't listen to me.

  The times he would get to kiss me wherever we were. All those time I was blinded by my love for him, even if up until now I was still blinded. Even after the rejection, my stupid heart kept raising each time he's around. He's never left my thoughts one minute.

  The more he rejects me, the deeper I fall. I just didn't know what to do with this stubborn heart of mine anymore. Aurgh.... What is wrong with you Hazel, get a hold of yourself.

He doesn't have to know how I'm feeling, so he doesn't hurt me anymore. If I had known what his reaction would be like, I would have never confessed to him

  I quickly cleaned the little tear drops from the corners of my eyes. Old memories had a thing on me. Sniffing the air, I sauntered out of the room to the formal dinning room.

Still couldn't find my phone anywhere, maybe it would be with Alex. I needed to apologise to Carie for not attending her party at all. I hope she forgives me.

Alex was already sitted in the formal dinning room quietly eating his food.

  He seemed to be in a more terrible mood than last night. What is wrong with him? Did something happen or has someone offended him?

  I sat next to him without a word as I picked and ate the toasted bread. The table was dead silent and the only thing that could be heard was the clicking of the fork on the plates. "Good morning Hazel!" He greeted like there was anything good about the morning.

  His hands went up to my face as he used his thumb to brush the invicible dust beneath my eyes. But as quick as his hands went up there, I was quick to push it away. "There's nothing on my face Alex" There's possibly no way, he would want me to act like everything's okay when it's clearly not.

"You have dark circles". He said retreating his hands back to his side. "Can we at least go home Alex, I hate this place alot".

  "And why's that?" "Cause of.... I promise to be a better wife to you if you just let me go home".

"It's a good thing you know you're the worst wife any man would ever have!" He picked the vegetables with his fork and ate them. "And you think you're a better husband?" I rolled my eyes.

   "When have I failed in my husband duties?" "You want me to school you on the multiple errors you have? If we start now we might not finish".

"We will finish Hazel, go on I'm all ears!" He coaxed me more.

  "Can you give detail if a 20 seasons movie per episodes? That's how hard it is to give details of how much of a bad husband you are". 

    Alex chuckled at my words, as he took a sip of his tea. "We're heading back home if that's what you want, but first we're visiting the hospital". "Let's go Hazel!" He held my wrist and took me out of the mansion.

   "Wait, why are we going to the hospital?" I asked as he took me into his car. "You didn't tell why we're going to the hospital" I've tried checking myself again and again, bit still could not find anything wrong with me. 

    "Alex, I'm not feeling sick!" "I know" I responded shortly. "Are you feeling sick?" I had to ask scared he might actually be sick. "Carie's in the hospital and we're heading there to see her!" He said that and nothing more.

  I was getting really anxious, why would Carie be in a hospital? Was she sick on the day of her engagement party? I could not just wrap my fingers around everything, and Alex was not helping at all.

   We arrived at the hospital and I had to rush into Carie's wards leaving Alex behind. Maybe if I was present with her, then this wouldn't be happening . I blame myself for everything that happened to her.

  Stepping into her ward, I saw my baby lying on the bed. "Hazel!" Grandma called the moment she saw me step in. "Where have you been since yesterday?
