
Chapter 42 : Finding Sol

Theodora’s POV

The news that we were going to Earth was met with skepticism.

Who could blame them, really? There was only one habitable place left, crawling with Lurkers confined to darkness among the receding seas and dying plantlife.

Nearly a thousand years ago, humans, fae, and anyone or thing that could abandon Earth did. Bombs and wars tore into the land and poisoned oceans. They stopped teaching Earth history and pretended it never happened. Different species and then countries split, eagerly colonizing and terraforming other planets to meet their species' specifications.

At one point in history, we all shared a planet, but it wasn’t that easy anymore. Even with countless planets, humankind snatched and stole all in a “God-given” right to control the galaxy. Case and point was Ellie’s home planet in the Hermes Cluster.

It was hard not to see Earth as a grueling reminder of greed. And what that greed morphed into.
