


207 AC


Aerion Targaryen


"I was wondering when we would speak with one another." The Mother Rhoyne herself titters as she sits down across from me in the large 'office' I have been provided in the Red Temple.

"Good-Daughter." I purse my lips as she smiles and once more I find myself 'feeling' the strangeness around her that practically screams at me I am in the presence of a higher power.

"Good-Father." She responds playfully while crossing one tanned leg over the other.

There is so much I want to ask her.

Where to start?

"Why did you marry my Son?" Probably the most important question if I am being honest.

I need to know her goal.

Why Gaemon?

"It is meant to be." She smiles and I almost groan seeing how this might be going.

"Could you not be cryptic and just give me a straight answer." I have enough problems knocking around in my head, I don't need a Goddess plotting under my nose.

She tilts her head and smiles lightly, my skin feels as if it's being covered in ants as my instincts tell me to escape.

"Gaemon is meant to be my Husband and I am meant to be his Wife, it is as simple as that." The feeling fades and I rub my arm where some goosebumps formed.

Is this how people feel when I show up with dragons at their city?

That they are opposing something they can hardly even understand let alone combat.

It makes me feel small.

I hate feeling small.

I nod my head slowly while gathering up my courage.

"What is your plan here?" She tilts her head. "I want to know what game you are playing, you are likely countless years old and there are no records or even stories of you marrying before. I highly doubt you just woke up on a different side of the bed and decided you wanted to try out marriage." She remains silent as she straightens her head back upright and looks thoughtfully at me.

"Do you know how a God dies?" I blink in confusion while she shakes her head. "Likely not... or I would not have to explain this." She sighs and slumps a bit in the chair looking far more casual all of a sudden.

"You are dying?" I guess and she frowns.

"No." She shakes her head slowly. "I am not dying... but I could." Leaning forward I set my elbows on the desk and lace my fingers together to rest my chin on.

"Oh?" She snorts and rolls her eyes.

"Not by your hand, at least not without a lot of effort on your part." I wasn't really thinking about killing her, but I would not turn down the 'method' to kill a God.

"How could I hurt my own family?" I smile and she deadpans making me feel a bit awkward.

Does she think I actually want to kill her?

"There are those on the Greenblood in Dorne who still worship me... I have heard their prayers about you." I raise a brow before a pit forms in my stomach. "A 'Family member' of yours happened to pray quite often about you... so forgive me if I have reservations about you staying your hand from someone in your family who is not blood-related." I have a good idea who was the one praying.

That... is kind of true.

She is no direct kin of mine and I would have little problem killing her if I had the chance.

Not that I would want to or have a desire to.

"I see..." Shaking my head I meet eyes with the River Goddess. "You are the one who brought it up, what for if not to tell me?" Why ask if I knew how a God dies if she won't tell me how one dies?

"Gods are much like other living beings I suppose... we die when we are forgotten." My eyes widen and I immediately understand why she said I could not kill her with my own hand.

It would take a lot of effort to purge all knowledge about her from both memory and written text. More effort than I likely have time to give if things don't work out with how things are shaping up.

"This has something to do with marrying my Son?" I have a few guesses but they leave me with uncertainty if any of them are right.

"It does." She nods before looking around the room absent-mindedly. "Gaemon would have replaced me if I had not become his Wife, now he won't and instead he will find another position to take." I frown and she snorts as she looks back toward me, amusement dancing in her eyes. "Marrying your Son was the simplest option to keep my own life and even gain more power in time, I won't hide or lie about that fact. But I also love your Son and will continue to do so for as long as I may yet live, it might not be easy to believe but it is the truth." Oh God, this is getting more complicated.

You know what?

I think I am happy I am not the one the Goddess jumped onto and married.

If I want to have a divine Wife I will just make one of my current Wives a Goddess, it seems far easier at this point.

"I will believe you for now." A smile graces her face and she relaxes even more seemingly believing me. "Alright let's move onto my next issue-" She smiles even wider and I feel a chill down my back. "-got any recommendations for me with this whole 'Son mantling the Father' prophecy I got going on currently?" Boy oh boy do I hope she has some hints.


207 AC


Daenerys Targaryen


""Land!"" Not that I need to tell Drogon, he sees Moonfyre and is more than eager to reunite with his mate.

I share the sentiment, though it was a bit hasty and I feel I will have to likely return to Meereen before I would have liked after leaving. But Aerion sent word with Aemon that we are all needed at Volantis for some kind of 'ceremony' that would be best if done sooner rather than later.

I wish I knew what that actually meant.

But I will find out soon.


"Danny." Aerion smiles wide as I enter a large room with no one in it but my Husband and he is surrounded by books and sheets of parchment.

"What is going on?" I raise a brow looking around at all of the things he has collected in this room.

Most of them look old.

Aerion's hands grab both sides of my head before his lips seal my own stopping any further questions. I wrap my arms around his neck enjoying his presence once more by my side, the separation was not as long as I thought it would be but it was more miserable than I could have ever imagined.

"You are early." He speaks up after breaking the kiss and placing his forehead against my own.

"You said we needed to all be here, I packed everyone up and had us fly over after making sure the council of Meereen where informed of our absence and ready to bear the burden of ruling for a time." He nods before kissing me once more but before I can enjoy myself he pulls back and moves my arms.

"We have... a lot to talk about." I raise a brow as he gestures for me to follow behind him and I do with an odd feeling in my gut.

"What about?" This... seems strange.

"Prophecy and Gods and-" He turns on his heels and holds up a hand silencing me as I look at him strangely. "-have you met Gaemon's Wife yet?" I shake my head and a smile appears on his face. "That comes first so you won't think I am crazy... which you might already be doing." Shaking his head he grabs my hand and tugs me toward the door. "Let me introduce you to the 'Great' Mother Rhoyne and then we can talk about the ascension." I shake my head feeling a pounding headache.

I leave for a short time and everything goes crazy.

I will need to have a word with Shiera, she was supposed to keep his belly full and his balls empty so he would not get up to anything too crazy.


Looking at my supposed 'Good-Daughter' I feel even tenser than before.

Aerion might not have gone crazy.

I am not sure if that is a good thing or not while looking at the Goddess of the Rhoyne River.

Oh how much simpler it would have been to drag my Husband out of a manic state.

"Can we start from the beginning?" I ask while shaking my head.

My odd stirring emotions settle a bit as I look down in my arms at my Granddaughter who is sleeping and possibly the most precious baby I have ever seen. This I was expecting, Aemon told me about Aeria and I was looking forward to holding her for the first time. My heart aches knowing I missed my Daughter giving birth for the first time but I will be there for every other birth to make up for it.

This I swear.

"Long story short it started with a vision in the flames that pretty much told the story of me taking R'hllor's place as the Lord of Light and Life." Aerion cuts straight to the point making me sigh in frustration at the lack of details.

Maybe splitting up was a bad idea, I captured the Bay but at what cost?

My family seemingly flipped over and went a bit insane and I missed a new life coming into the world.

"Aerion." Shiera nudges his side and Aerion purses his lips.

"Fine, I will tell the whole story but I hope you are listening carefully because it gets confusing the more I explain." I slowly nod while rubbing my cheek on my granddaughter's soft forehead.

This is not how I imagined my first experience holding a Grandchild would go.

But... I would be lying if I said this was not one of the best moments of my life.

"Sweet baby." I kiss Aeria on the head and she lightly gurgles in response bringing warmth and joy to my heart.

Warmth and joy I hope will carry me through the no doubt madness-filled story my Husband is about to tell.

We shall see.

Thanks for reading!!!

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