

Once we're back in my room, I sit down on the bed and Ilka floats next to me, her form pulsing with curiosity. "So, Kael, what's this tournament you're talking about?" she asks, her spectral colors shifting in anticipation.

"The initiation tournament," I explain, "is something of a rite of passage for new students. It's a series of one-on-one duels held in the academy's Colosseum, where students get a chance to show off their skills and prove their worth. The prize for winning the tournament is 4 platinum coins."

Ilka looks thoughtful for a moment, then lets out a derisive snort. "That sounds like a child's play. It's a tournament for amateurs, not something a true warrior would participate in. I bet you're not even entering so why are we going?"

"Indeed," I say, "I'm not. But that doesn't mean I won't attend the final match." She's not wrong, this tournament was supposed to show how powerful Isadora was compared to other students so it's not a big deal. However, I want to see if Sera changes anything.

Ilka raises an 'eyebrow', her spectral form shimmering in surprise. "Why would you bother going to watch such a boring event? It's not like you'll learn anything new from watching a bunch of amateurs fumbling around. No wait you have absolutely no skill in swordsmanship Is that why you're going?"

I simply shrug, choosing not to explain the real reason for my interest. There's no need for Ilka to know that the final match is likely to be a showdown between Isadora and Seraphina, two talented students. Seriously though how bad am I in her eyes?

After a hot bath and a short rest, I make my way towards the Colosseum, ignoring Ilka's teasing remarks about my lack of participation in the tournament. How the hell am I supposed to compete with them? If I used Umbra and my little toy(His gun) I might have a chance but there's no way I would be allowed to use them.

As we approach the Colosseum, the sky darkens, heavy clouds rolling in. Rain starts to fall, drumming on the roof of the Colosseum in a rhythmic pattern. Despite the poor weather, the atmosphere in the Colosseum is electrifying, with students and faculty alike eagerly waiting for the final match to begin.

"Isadora, huh?" Ilka comments, her spectral form taking on a curious hue. "I suppose it will be interesting to see how well the best amateur fights."

As the match starts, I see Isadora stepping onto the arena, her face as impassive as ever. She holds her sword with an elegant, practiced grip, a clear demonstration of her superior swordsmanship.

On the other side of the arena, Seraphina strides forward. Unlike Isadora's pristine aura, Seraphina's presence is somewhat childish but serious, a representation of her somewhat crude swordsmanship. It's clear that she's a commoner, but her raw talent and speed could pose a significant challenge for Isadora.

I watch as Isadora starts to surround herself with a thin layer of aura, her power manifesting as a radiant barrier that encases her. She only uses it on difficult opponents, as it can only last for a short while. So, the fact that she's using it now means she views Saraphina as a threat.

I turn my attention to Seraphina, expecting her to counter with her own aura, but she doesn't. Instead, she starts to weave magic spells around her. They aren't powerful spells, but she uses them creatively, using one to distract Isadora and the other to protect herself.

Ilka watches with interest, her spectral form pulsing with fascination. "Now this is something," she admits, "I didn't think I'd see such crude magic in this tournament."

As the rain continues to pour into the ground, the atmosphere in the Colosseum shifts. The audience hushes, anticipation humming in the air. The rainfall grows heavier, transforming the arena into a wet battlefield.

I sigh, pulling the hood of my cloak up to shield my face from the rain. I'm fortunate enough to have a skill that allows me to see perfectly in the dark, but this will make it difficult for both of them.

Next to me, Ilka laughs. "Even with your cheap tricks, you're still nothing compared to those two," she teases, her spectral form sparkling in amusement.

The match begins, with Seraphina taking the initiative. Nervousness is evident in her eyes, but there's also a determination there. It's clear she needs the prize money. No way, is she doing this to repay me or does she want to get something? She launches a series of small spells, their effects subtle yet crucial. One spell gives her a quick burst of speed, allowing her to close the distance between her and Isadora in an instant.

Isadora, however, remains still, her icy black eyes focused and emotionless. She maintains her position, holding her sword with a steady grip despite the slippery conditions. Saraphina makes the first move, lunging at Isadora with her weapon.

Isadora reacts instantly, blocking Saraphina's attack with the precision of a master swordsman. The impact of their weapons colliding sends her sliding back a few inches in the rain-soaked arena, but she quickly recovers.

Despite Seraphina's offensive, Isadora maintains her composure. Her strategy is simple but effective: wait for the opponent to make their move, then react accordingly.

Seraphina doesn't back down, using another spell to slightly alter the air around her, creating a small thrust that propels her towards Isadora with increased speed. She aims a slash at Isadora, but the noble effortlessly parries it, her movements as fluid as they are precise, even under the heavy rain.

As the rain pours down, Saraphina uses another spell, forming a small mana shield around her just in time to block a counterattack from Isadora. The shield shimmers for a moment under the onslaught before shattering into specks of magical energy. Seraphina grunts, pushed back by the force of Isadora's attack, but she manages to regain her footing quickly.

The match continues in this manner, with Seraphina trying to break through Isadora's defense using her spells, and Isadora retaliating with her superior swordsmanship. The rain adds another layer of difficulty, making the ground slippery and the weapons harder to grip. But both combatants adapt to the situation. I guess Seraphina doesn't have any powerful attacks.

As the rain continues to pour down, both Isadora and Seraphina seem to dig deep within themselves, focusing their energy into their legs. I can feel the shift in the air as they channel their power, preparing for a new round of attack and defense.

In a surprising twist, Isadora takes the initiative this time. With her energy channeled into her legs, she becomes a blur of movement, her icy black eyes focused and determined. She launches a series of attacks, her sword moving like a storm, striking at Saraphina with a ferocity I hadn't seen from her before.

Each attack is deliberate, aimed at an opening in Seraphina's defense. The constant barrage of strikes, each one faster and stronger than the last, seems designed to break Saraphina's footing on the slippery ground.

Seraphina, on the other hand, appears to be struggling. Blocking and dodging Isadora's relentless attacks take a toll on her, her breaths becoming ragged and her movements slower. But she's far from defeated. Seraphina proves that she's as creative as she is resilient.

In an unexpected move, she forms small mana shields beneath her feet, creating a set of magical steps that allow her to ascend into the air, distancing herself from Isadora's onslaught. The crowd gasps at her maneuver, her creative use of magic gaining her a few seconds of respite.

The mana shields, however, quickly fade, their bright glow dimming as Seraphina's mana pool depletes significantly. It's clear that the maneuver took a lot out of her, but she seems satisfied, having successfully evaded Isadora's onslaught.

Ilka watches the fight with interest, her spectral form glowing brighter. "Seraphina is quite creative," she comments, "and her battle instincts are good. But Isadora's swordsmanship is superior." Well how could she match her swordsmanship when Isadora is a noble with all the time and resources to train.

She then turns to look at me, her form shifting in amusement. "But you know what? Isadora's footwork is lacking compared to her swordsmanship."

No way, really? I don't remember her having such a weakness, wait, now that I think about it I never added any information regarding her footwork in the novel, is that why? Despite her relentless assault, Isadora's movements do lack the grace that one would expect from someone with her sword skills.

Ilka yawns, her form dimming slightly. "In the end, Isadora will win. It's mainly because Saraphina chose to use magic instead of aura," she states, "At their level, especially in close-range combat, aura will always beat magic."

I chuckle, nodding at her words. "We'll see," I say, watching as Saraphina lands back onto the rain-soaked ground.

I turn to Ilka, "Seraphina has a brother."

Ilka sighs, the transparent figure of her eyes rolling in mild exasperation. "So what, Kael? You want me to pity her?" She asks, her voice holding a hint of amusement.

"No," I reply with a smirk, "Her brother is blessed by one of the four great winds." This piece of information seems to make Ilka pause. Her transparent eyebrows raise in surprise, but a moment later her expression becomes puzzled.

"Yes, I know what the four great winds are, Kael. But why does that matter in this tournament?" She asks, her tone questioning.

I sigh, looking back at the ongoing fight. "I thought that maybe she was also blessed since her brother was. But I guess not."

Ilka doesn't respond, and we both return to watching the duel. It's clear that Isadora will be the victor. She's simply more skilled, her training and experience showing through every strike and parry. It's quite disappointing, I was hoping to see something interesting.

But that doesn't mean Seraphina didn't win anything. In fact, the fact that she got this far will likely make her the strongest contender in class B. It's impressive, considering she primarily uses magic instead of aura in a combat setting. Now I got to focus, tomorrow is the first day of class, which means the first arc will begin soon.

Sighing again, I rise from my seat, preparing to leave the area. I've seen enough and besides, the rain is making me hungry.

"Finally," Ilka huffs beside me, her transparent figure following me as I start to walk towards the cafeteria. "That was getting boring. It would've been more fun to see you get beat around," she laughs, her teasing echoing in my ears. This damn thing, maybe I should seal it back in.

Fun Fact: There are 7 Kingdoms ruled by humans.

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