
New Student: Andreas Salazar

"What happened?" A low-tier asked as someone opened a door to the garden of the home.

"There is a beast out there. Like a werewolf. It's large, taller than 8'0, and I don't think it's gone." Flavian said to the group of low-tiers.

"It's not gone?! I don't want to die!" A student said, crouching down as they fell into a panic.

Many of the students left the party right there and then but others thought it was even too dangerous to just roam the streets.

"Stand back, Brandyn. I'll protect us." A man said, who had green hair.

His hair was parted in curtains, just like another student that Brandyn just met. However, he was much more muscular and looked to be around 6'1, 180 lbs.

He was the strongest person at the party and he was part of the C-1 class.

He even had a vein down the bicep that was adjacent to Brandyn.

"No. I'll put my life on the line for these people, regardless of if I'm strong enough." Brandyn replied boldly, which caught many students off guard.
