
59: Helping Hand; knock at the dawn

Semi-beta's by SnowyEgrett

Lin FenXiang jolted at the honk. It was a reminder from Xue Zishen to come back quickly as it was already hours past midnight.

Truthfully, the artist was feeling quite drowsy. But he wanted to finish what he started before going back home, he knew he had to.

He turned back to the woman who looked at him with teary eyes.

“I... I know it's not much ma'am, but this is the least I can do for you and please, don't worry, since you said that your daughter—” he glanced down at the sleeping girl “—passed the entrance exam, I am going to take your words for it and believe she'll be able to get into the school.“

“Sir... Young Master,” the woman started thickly. “You don't have to do this... I just needed someone to talk to about my sorrows, I didn't mean to...“
