
00157. A small display.

After Orochimaru transferred into the clone body, Theo felt a little different. He still had Orochimaru's knowledge but there was something missing from it. It was like the knowledge was no longer his and that to understand it properly. He would have to go over it all and practice it himself. At least that is what it felt like to him.

But that could wait for later, since Orochimaru was now in his new body. They first needed to run a bunch of tests, to make sure everything was stable. Most of it was done by Tao and Agatha as they tested his body and soul for any issues.

Once that was done they tested the body for any problems and checked to make sure Orochimaru himself had no mental issues… Besides the ones he already had. It took a few days, but once everything was completed they moved on to monitoring Orochimaru's soul.

It was easy to tell that within a week the soul wisp was growing steadily and had no issues. Since that was the case, Theo and Tao decided to use the time stone to make sure everything went correctly. It wasn't hard to do and within a few hours they realized the whole soul creation process would work correctly.

Afterwards Theo decided to hold a town meeting in his mind with everyone else currently sharing it. While he wanted to give most people bodies, he knew some people didn't want that. He also had a list of people he wasn't sure if he should give bodies to in the first place.

While he was sure some of them had issues because that was how they were written in the story. The people currently in his mind were copies of real people who existed at some point in a different world. So he made an effort to meet all of them at least once or twice. Since just having their memories was far different then having a conversation with that same person. Most of them were pretty normal, but a handful of people had… Issues.

Theo appeared inside his mind palace near the village he created. Within moments a handful of people appeared next to him. The first one who greeted him was Hagoromo who asked, "So it's finally time?"

Theo nodded as he said, "Yeah, everything went smoothly. Now I just need to see who wants a new body."

As Theo spoke a platform and seating area appeared and took shape. Once it was finished people started to appear in the seats and after a little over a minute, tens of thousands of people were there.

It wasn't just ninjas though, but cooks, tailors, blacksmiths, carpenters and a number of other professions. Basically anyone who invented or improved something was in his mind. It was pretty funny to realize that some of the people only changed something a tiny bit and still ended up there.

When Theo first asked to have all the knowledge from Naruto, he really didn't expect this. He also found out something interesting from the whole experience. Everyone in his head used to have chakra and could control it in one way or another. Which proved his theory that chakra was the main reason this happened.

From the original story he always thought only the ninjas, samurai and possibly some of the blacksmiths would have chakra. But it turned out that everyone had at least a tiny bit of chakra. It was just so small it wasn't worth it to train them in it or they had no skill in it like Rock Lee.

Theo looked out over the sea of assembled people and still couldn't believe how many people were inside his head. He smiled slightly before he moved out onto the platform to address everyone. While he could have just sent everyone a mental message, he wanted to do things a little differently.

He glanced over everyone gathered, before he said, "So I am sure everyone knows why I called you here today. It's taken a while, but I finally have a way to grant everyone a body. So the only real question now is, who doesn't want one?"

As Theo looked out over the crowd a good part of them raised their hands. After about a minute, half of the people there raised their hands so Theo said, "Alright, I understand and just want you to know, if you ever change your mind let me know."

With that, the people who didn't want bodies disappeared and the rest of the people were shuffled to the front of the seating area before the platform. Theo glanced over them all and noticed almost all of them were combat focused people. A handful of normal professions were still there, but only around one percent of them.

"Alright, since there are so many people that want bodies, we will have to do this in groups. Besides the body creation process, it will take time for my soul to heal. So the first few batches will be small while we figure out how long it will take for my soul to heal properly." Theo said.

Madara, who was seated in the front, yelled out, "Who is going to be in the first batch?"

Theo smiled slightly before he said, "I was thinking about the crafters, since there are less than a hundred of them."

Before Madara couldn't reply, Theo cut him off as he added, "I will also pick a handful of powerful fighters to join them."

Madara nodded in agreement since he assumed he would be one of the people picked before Naruto said, "Yoshi! I can't wait to go eat ramen in Japan!"

Theo glanced at Naruto who was seated next to his mom and dad as he said, "You'll probably be one of the last people to get a body."

"WHAT?!?" Naruto said as his eyes grew large and went completely white while his mouth dropped open.

"Sorry Naruto, but I planned to give all the adults new bodies first. Depending on how long the healing process for my soul takes, I wouldn't expect you to have a body for at least a year, if not longer."

"No fair! Why can't I get a body sooner?" Naruto asked.

"The main reason is because it would be weird to give the youngest people bodies first. If I did that, some people would technically be older than their own parents." Theo said matter of factly.

"Oh! I didn't think of that!" Naruto said before Theo added, "Exactly. Besides, Teuchi and Ayame are one of the first people to get a body. They will both need some time to recreate Ichiraku Ramen in this world."

Naruto's eyes widened and he started to drool as he became lost in thought before his mom smacked him in the back of the head as she said, "Control yourself." Then wiped her sleeve over her own mouth to wipe off a little bit of her own drool.

Theo shook his head at their interaction before he glanced at the others as asked, "Anyone have any questions?"

When no one spoke up theo said, "Alright, I guess that's it for now. Carry on like normal and wait for me to contact you when it's your turn to get a body."

With that Theo dismissed everyone but a handful of people, separated into two groups. The people he kept behind were the people he wasn't completely sure he wanted to help. While he tried not to judge them that harshly because of the story, they still had issues. Danzo was one of those people and he was at the front of the larger group, along with the other elders from the hidden leaf village.

Danzo glanced at the people next to him and then stared at Theo before he asked, "I assume this means you don't want to give us a body?"

Theo shook his head as he said, "No, I still plan to give you bodies."

Danzo frowned slightly before he asked, "But?"

"You would be the last people to get bodies and they will be nerfed compared to everyone else."

Theo held up his hand to stop everyone from responding before he said, "After a certain amount of time and proper trust, I would give you a new body that could match everyone else."

Danzo rubbed his chin in thought before he said, "By that time everyone else would be alot more powerful and we would always be playing catch up."

Theo nodded as he said, "That would be an added bonus. But the main reason is you need to earn not just my trust, but everyone else's."

Another elder named Koharu Utatane asked, "So you trust everyone else?"

Theo shrugged as he said, "Up to a certain point. Besides, I have some fail safes in place in case someone tries something stupid."

Theo then glanced at the other group of people. They were a tiny subset of people who looked completely different from everyone else. They had pale, almost chalk white skin and ash gray hair. It was also the one group of people Theo wanted nothing to do with, so he had them locked up inside his mind until today.

He looked them over again before he addressed the man at the front of the group and said, "As for you guys, I won't be giving you bodies at all."

The person at the front of the group with slicked back hair started to laugh maniacally before he said, "You think you can stop us? If Lord Jashin wishes us to have new bodies, we will have new bodies!"

Theo smirked as he said, "I'm pretty sure Shikamaru was your god the last time I checked."

The man at the front grinded his teeth slightly before he said, "The only god is Lord Jashin!"

"If that's the case, you should probably check with him first, to make sure he wants you to have new bodies." Theo said as the group of people started to slowly disappear.

Hidan noticed what was happening first and said, "What? What are you doing?!"

Theo's smile turned predatory as he said, "Letting you meet your god."

A few moments later the group of people were completely gone and after a moment someone asked, "What just happened?"

Theo looked back at the other group and said, "I erased them from my mind and chakra."

Theo then changed the area back to normal as he disappeared from his mind palace. Once Theo was gone, Danzo and the others with him turned to look at the spot Hidan and the other Jashinists just stood. After a few moments they started to disperse, but they all understood the unspoken threat Theo gave them.

With the first batch of people picked, Theo had Orochimaru and some shadow clones prepare bodies for them. It would only take about a week because everyone would receive bodies that were around academy age. The reason being Theo wanted everyone to be as strong as possible and have a large amount of chakra.

The first real batch was completed with only a hundred and fifty people, but besides the normal crafters, Theo picked some of the strongest people he could. Most of them were former kages, but a few of them were people who were known throughout the world to be strong at one point or another.

On the day he planned to transfer the first batch, Theo made sure to skip school with a clone and spent a couple hours making soul wisps. Once everything was ready he went to each body and gave them a soul wisp before he transferred the person over. The whole process took about half the day, but once it was finished he couldn't help but smile.

He glanced at Tao as he said, "Alright it's done. You can wake them up."

Tao waved her arm and a spell that kept the souls in place and everyone asleep dropped and a moment later people around the room started to wake up. Most of it was going smoothly until someone yelled out, "HASHIRAMA! LET'S FIGHT!"

The whole room turned to look at a naked boy with black hair who stood in a captain morgan like pose with his arms crossed. Madara stood proudly as he looked directly at his rival and waited for a response before Theo shouted, "Put some fucking clothes on you pervert!"

Another boy with white hair stood up naked and shouted proudly, "Who thinks they're a pervert?!"

He smiled pervertedly as he looked at everyone in the room as he said, "I'll show you what it means to be a true pervert!"

Theo facepalmed himself as he said, "The next batch we are putting into clothes first."
