
Ch. 5 Part 1

Xiao Ling stood in front of the door when he got to the house.... he took deep breaths as a way of preparing himself for the taunts of Grandma and Du Shi. Xiao Ling put on the biggest smile ever and he pushed the court yard gate opened and walked in... Grandma turned towards him when she heard the gate being pushed opened giving Xiao Ling a fierce glare while showing her displeasure

" ai~ now you're back, after throwing away the food for the pigs and meeting with a married man... you're finally back. You won't be satisfied until you ruin my Jun family's reputation right..... "

Xiao Ling hurriedly placed the basket full of wild vegetables on the ground in front of grandma with an awkward smile on his face

" Grandma this morning it was my fault, actually you see.... Brother Yan told me to come help him pick the wild vegetables he found but I forgot, so when I remembered I ran out in hurry in thinking Brother Yan would be waiting for me and he was when I got to the mountain. "

Xiao Ling quickly told his lies making grandma stared at him skeptically.... she took the basket and went through it as she smiled brightly

" mother, did the eldest daughter-inlaw bring that " Du Shi asked as she walked out of the kitchen when she saw grandma and Xiao Ling together

" The eldest told him to bring them to me " Grandma said happily making Xiao Ling rolled his eyes inwardly and sneered in his heart

" ah~ the eldest always thinks about the family " Xiao Ling almost chuckled at them when he heard Du Shi say that.

" well since it was the eldest who called for you then it's alright, take the vegetables into the kitchen and help with the dinner.... the men will be home any moment now " Xiao Ling quickly excused himself to the kitchen.

The men started to walk into the house one after the other when the sky was completely dark, grandma and Du Shi's faces lit up when they saw YanZhi walked into the house with a heavy basket on his back and two to three hares tied around his waist. They immediately knew his harvest today was good which made them smile more brightly to him trying to scurry favor, Xiao Ling followed YanZhi to the well and scooped out water for him to wash his hands and feet with the rest of the men. Grandma and Du Shi followed along with beautiful bright smiles as they happily laughed

"ah~ eldest your harvest today was good, it's long since we've had meat. Give the preys to me let me deal with them and add some to the dinner today " Grandma said happily

" No!... they're going to be sold in town tomorrow " YanZhi flatly refused which angered grandma and brought displeasure on her face, but she chose not to show it trying to coax YanZhi

" but eldest the preys are many, you can sell some and give some to the family " grandma argued but YanZhi didn't plan listening to her.

" No! Xiao Ling's clothes are all ruined...he needs new ones so I'm going to sell all the preys and get him new clothes " YanZhi blankly stated with a poker face. Grandma couldn't contain her fury and glared at Xiao Ling in anger

" did the eldest daughter-inlaw say that? " Du Shi also asked in anger

" no mother! he doesn't have to say it for me to know " YanZhi defended as Xiao Ling squatted peeking at them at the corner of his eye happily. ' ah Brother Yan may pretend at home, but when he makes up his mind no one can change it... I like that about him ' Xiao Ling thought and snickered. Xiao Ling sensed grandma and Du Shi's killing intent when grandma started to advance towards him, he quickly hid behind YanZhi using YanZhi as his shield between him and grandma.

" Mother, let him do what he wants with the preys... eldest has been giving his preys to us but since he wants to sell this batches of preys let him, it's just for today " father Jun couldn't stand their bickery anymore and he knew no one could change his eldest son's mind now so he talked grandma into letting the matter end there. Grandma was reluctant to part ways with the preys, but she knew as long as YanZhi didn't plan on giving them nothing could make him, the second son, his wife and the third son's wife were all displeased when it turned out they couldn't eat the preys YanZhi hunted.... their children also started to bawl when they saw the adults give up on the preys but YanZhi turned a blind eye and deaf ears to them all.

After having dinner in silence and displeasure grandma instructed Xiao Ling to wash the bowls alone in anger before she retreated back to her room along with the others.... YanZhi waited for Xiao Ling to deal with the bowls at the dinner table, when Xiao Ling was done YanZhi used his qi to check whether the rest have gone to bed. He led Xiao Ling out of the house when he was certain no one would notice them leave

" Brother Yan, where are you taking me to? " Xiao Ling asked confused as YanZhi led him

" the riverside, I told you that you'll start your path of cultivation tonight right.... we can't do that in the house and you'll need to a bath when you after absorbing qi, it'll be best to cultivate where I took you earlier in the mountain since I set up an array that collects qi from heaven and earth to that place so the qi there is abundant..... mortal realm doesn't have much qi, but let's start here for now.... later you'll cultivate in the mountains rather and when we build a house I'll set an array in the house too. " YanZhi explained making Xiao Ling nod in understanding.

When they got to the riverside YanZhi instructed Xiao Ling to seat with his legs crossed.... YanZhi sat behind Xiao Ling and placed his hands on Xiao Ling's back, he instructed Xiao Ling again to open his sea of consciousness and allow him to guide him. They sat in that position for an hour as YanZhi guided qi from heaven and earth into Xiao Ling's dantian which Xiao Ling then guided through every inch of his body, YanZhi stopped guiding him when Xiao Ling got the perk of absorbing qi, after one to two hours of cultivation and absorbing qi his body refined it making the qi part of him.

[ Ding! Ding! Ding!

Obtained Skill: Shadow qi A+

Obtained Skill: Qi refining A+

Leveled up 2 times

All available skills has ranked up by 1

Number of skeletons which can be summoned has increased to 10

Dungeon Leveled Up 3 times ]

" w... what?!!! " Xiao Ling stopped cultivating and exclaimed happily

" Brother Yan, I've leveled up 2 times just by cultivating and I've obtained new skills.... my already skills have ranked up and so has my skeletons... the dungeon has leveled up three times " Xiao Ling happily informed YanZhi

" Little wife this is but a very tiny amount of qi you're able to refine, when you cultivate more and get used to it you'll obtain good things and when we dual cultivate you'll be able to advance more from channelling from me directly " Xiao Ling's eyes sparkled and he couldn't contain his smile and small laughs as YanZhi informed him of the good stuffs that are yet to come.... Xiao Ling sniffed himself in disgust and he felt his stomach churn and wanting to puke

" Blerh~ Brother Yan, what's this black stuffs? " asked Xiao Ling

" those are waste from your body, as you keep absorbing qi it'll cleanse the wastes from your dantian so you can cultivate smoothing with no blockage.... I'll warm the river with my qi, get yourself washed so we get back. Let's stop here for today " Xiao Ling embarrassedly stripped naked in front of YanZhi's burning gaze before walking into the river, he soaked in and washed away the black substances before walking out and wearing the change of clothes YanZhi brought him. They walked side by side back to the house into their room, Xiao Ling climb into the inner part of the bed while YanZhi laid at the outer side as they stared straight at each other

" Brother Yan, can Bee also cultivate? " Xiao Ling asked curiously

" Yes... I'll have Lin guide him if he wishes to "YanZhi said to him which made Xiao Ling smiled happily
