

The Overlord had successfully established its temporary residence, where it could enjoy a peaceful slumber. As it awakened from a restful sleep in its new abode, a pang of hunger reminded it of the deep-sea delicacy that had captivated its thoughts.

The deep-sea white strange fish was an exquisite treat, and the Overlord had gone to great lengths to ensure its frequent indulgence in this delicacy. The Overlord had constructed a temporary residence close to the magnificent trench where these fish resided.

Filled with energy and armed with a colossal 50-meter-long spear, the Overlord embarked on its journey towards the vast trench, which lay a mere hundred nautical miles away. Within half an hour, it reached the summit of the trench, ready to plunge into the deep sea.

As the Overlord ventured deeper into the abyss, the surroundings grew progressively darker, and the temperature plummeted. The absence of light rendered the Overlord unable to discern its fingers. 
